Pacific Northwest

Question: How can I change the "Professional Pilot" above my avatar? And I know we are supposed to be able to put up bigger avatars but I cant seem to do that. Anyone got a clue?
Yep - you have to have a certain number of posts.
Will you guys be gong up 405 in the way to Oyster bay? If so, I'm Just past Kirkland. Hell, I'd wait on an on-ramp for you guys if I knew which freeway you were going to take up from Southcenter.
I wish first one I will be missing in some years, still in a cast and have no bike either. Have fun for me.

What is up with the poll I see about Goldenchild?
Hey Frisbee

I will be staying at my sis-inlaws for Oyster Run, so I will be already there on Sunday we should plan on meeting up at the entrance of town LMK the estimated arrival time...I will be WAITING with RAW OYSTERS....yummy....
(BIGSMOOTHH @ Sep. 03 2007,20:47)
(frisbee @ Sep. 03 2007,19:15) Nobody answered the questions that I asked ?? Well ,, are you coming ??
Its easier to go up I-5 for meeting people. We can take another way back.

321 save some oysters for me ! Do you got my # Send me yours in a PM and I will call you when we get there.

To bad you are going to miss out Mana, I will eat some oysters for you . As for the goldenchild poll , some jacka$$ started a thread talking smack.
Vintage motorcycle meet at the North end of Boeing field Wed. night if anybody needs a destination for a ride. I'm going, it's always fun to see the old bikes.
(BIGSMOOTHH @ Sep. 03 2007,18:01) Question:  How can I change the "Professional Pilot" above my avatar?  And I know we are supposed to be able to put up bigger avatars but I cant seem to do that.  Anyone got a clue?
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