Pacific Northwest

(frisbee @ Sep. 21 2007,22:44) I see you stalking the thread MJN !! Did you see my sig on PNR board ?
Yea...I saw it! Friggin smartazz..

You need to join us on a ride! Then you'll KNOW I'm slow!

(BA BUSA @ Sep. 21 2007,22:57) WAS UP with you Hillbilly D  
I'm doin' great buddy.. All I need now is a good pair of track pants and I'm ready for a track day!!

I took a ride the other day to break in my Vertigos...wore some thick socks.. Comfy as all get-out!! I like 'em!
(mjn @ Sep. 23 2007,14:13)
(BA BUSA @ Sep. 21 2007,22:57) WAS UP with you Hillbilly D  
I'm doin' great buddy..  All I need now is a good pair of track pants and I'm ready for a track day!!

I took a ride the other day to break in my Vertigos...wore some thick socks..  Comfy as all get-out!!  I like 'em!
Geee I'm glad YOU like them...why the f%#@* do you think I wear them...'cause they're UNCOMFORTABLE
Looks like Im the first one back from the Oyster run. Had a great time. Busy downloading pics and resizing em so I can post them. Might take a while.

Hey Frisbee and Turbo, you guys realize we never took a group shot? Oh sure....we got pics of our bikes together.....just not us!! LOL.
(frisbee @ Sep. 22 2007,09:43)
(bigoltool @ Sep. 21 2007,21:01)
The oyster Run? Never Been? Sounds Interesting.
If you ain't never been there then its a sight to see . Meet us I would like to get a org. picture when we are there.

I will be leaving hwy512 and I-5 McDonalds @ 7 if you are late I will be stopping at Northgate McDonalds by 8 and laeving shortly thereafter. My # is a page or two back in this thread We can also stop at the turn for hwy 20 at the AMPM or Harley shop if anyone else is going . I know I got myself and 4 people for sure from my place and 2 more from northgate.[/Quote]
Man I wish I could have been there! I got forced into "Family duty" today! I think I may have even seen you guys riding by the Cascade mall at around 3:30? All I saw was a couple of Busa's and a few other Sportbikes leading an entire wave of Sportbikes! I was so friggin pissed I just told my kids to "get in the car"!

Hope you guys had a great ride!

Nah..wasnt IT WAS!!!!!!

Im gonna be a leetle tardy getting pics up. My wife had steaks ready when I got home and now I got a bottle of chianti open, a roaring fire going in the backyard pit, and the kids and smores fixins on the table. Maybe later....but Im thinking not....

Ahh.....they just dont get ANY better than this.

That was us Tool ! Had a blast I won't have pics for a couple days , because I had a preastoric camera ( film ) , so I got to develop it!

MJN see if you can get a pair of those KOBE' leather pants that we had a group buy on . They are sweet!
(BIGSMOOTHH @ Sep. 23 2007,18:13) Nah..wasnt IT WAS!!!!!!  

Im gonna be a leetle tardy getting pics up.  My wife had steaks ready when I got home and now I got a bottle of chianti open, a roaring fire going in the backyard pit, and the kids and smores fixins on the table.  Maybe later....but Im thinking not....  

Ahh.....they just dont get ANY better than this.  

Nothing better than a stomach full of oysters and smores !

(frisbee @ Sep. 23 2007,09:36) MJN see if you can get a pair of those KOBE' leather pants that we had a group buy on . They are sweet!
I'm either going to get a pair of J Rocket perforated pants, or I'll buckle down and get the Vanson pants...eventually I want a Vanson Jacket anyway.....

Time will tell.. But thanks!
The Oyster Bay Run had ;to be the most fun I've had in years. The night before I could hardly sleep and I ended up getting up at 4 am to do a couple of last minute things to the bike. I finished the bike up, showered and hit the road a little after 7. We all met up at McD's. There were 7 of us, JUST LIKE THE 7 Samurai
I've been trying to get my bike right for 2 years now, and riding up to the the Oyster Bay Run was one of my goals. Yesterday was that day. Don't get me wrong, I'm not getting all teary eyed or anything, but damn was it satisfying! Smooth all the way!
Speaking of smooth, thanks to Big smooth for leading the way up and back and keeping things safe and sane which was nice. Frisbee was cool too, he did about 150 mph through Mt. Vernon and a 2 minute burnout on the main drag in Anacortes. Wait, that was Daniel's bike, never mind, Frisbee was safe and sane too  
I honestly am just kidding, he was completely safe and sane. It was an un-ticket able ride for all of us.  I wish the cops would ok a free for all on I-5 just for the day. Do you know how hard it is to go 75 on bikes that would rather be going 175?
I think that would have been us leading the giant bunch of sport bikes by the mall. They passed me at about Marysville and they just about total squids. Passing on the shoulder, weaving in and out of nearly stopped traffic (some with passengers on the back). I felt like that old guy in the neighborhood that yells at the kids driving by to 'slow the hell down you crazy kids!', as I shake my fist at them. I popped in behind a car and let them go by. These guys were splitting cars and bikes and doing it at speeds that would totally nullify any chance of reacting in time if a car, or me on my bike, didn't see them and chose to make a lane change as they were about to pass, which I NEARLY did.
Well, enough about 'those damn crazy kids'. I had a great time and enjoyed the company and the ride. Thanks to all that showed up and here's to next year!


Wow! These are the crappiest pictures ever?! Sorry, hope you can make them out. THere were 2700 bikes there. This is what it was like for blocks and blocks, on both sides of the street and two rows down the middle of the street.

I get more agitated every time I think about it. No way I am missign out next year if you guys will have me! Looks like Anacortes was a zoo!