Pacific Northwest

I have the stock levers to put back on the busa when it sells. I will buy my new bike when the busa sells or I will trade it in.
Still getting use to it, going to be awhile at this rate. Had to leave it work today, was not going to ride it home in the heavy rain this afternoon. I hope its still there in the morning.
I like to ride in the sun, even the busa was a little rain shy. Now that its a BMW, heck those guys expect you to ride in not only the rain but snow too. Forget that!
It's awfully quiet around here!!! Where is everyone? I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving. We did!!! All the kids and parents and great food.
I just got back from The Dalles for Thanksgiving. Good trip! got to see my wifes Grand pappy get all tuned up. Fun times there I must say.

Saw my first 08 Busa down there also. How come a little town like the the Dalles Oregon can get an 08 and my local Cycle barn cannot? I really liked the bike.Not enough to get rid of mine but It is a nice looking piece in the flesh. Got to go to the Aviation Museum in McMinnville also what an amazing deal that is. That is where Howard Hughes' Spruce goose is now. Well hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!