So youd like to get to Anacortes by what time and how long do you want to stay? Where did you want to eat lunch?
We could ride the back way to Chuckanut drive and ride that or we could ride the back way to Old highway 99 and take
that up to highway 9 and take some cool roads out that way.
We could take Chuckanut to Bellingham and have lunch there , I know a great Chinese Buffet in Bellingham...
afterwards we could ride out to Highway 9 and I would ride back with you all to about Arlington...though
it would be sad to pass up 530 if your right there..I love that road.
We could take 9 to hwy 20...ride that to Rockport then cut back on the 530 and ride that to hwy 9 in Arlington.
Then you all could ride hwy 9 all the way back to the 522 or just head out to I5.
So many roads, so little time!!
Just let me know how long of a ride you guys want to do and give me some times.