Pacific Northwest

Going to Stugis this Aug . Thats going to be a good ride!
When are you going to do Mark's ride
Never , he always does it on my annaversary . Maybe someday I will be able to meet up for one leg of it but I need another bike to ride with you guys . mines not a carver anymore . I was hoping to get another one this spring but works not going very well. That and i'm spending all my money going back and forth to Va. to see my Mom . We find out after valetines day how the treatments have been doing so I will be in Va. then too.
Yes I know it would look better installed . Goldenchild got the powdercoating for me and the pusher did the mod with yellow glass .
Heres a pic at my Moms last month on my Brothers bike . ( its kind of slow )thats my daughter and son behind me and my bro in front

She may look small but she kicks butt in the army . First in her platton and made E-4 in a year and a half.
My brother redid the go-cartwe used to ride in when we were kids . I haven't rode on this since I was about 15. It sure does donuts good!

Going to Stugis this Aug . Thats going to be a good ride!
When are you going to do Mark's ride
Never , he always does it on my annaversary . Maybe someday I will be able to meet up for one leg of it but I need another bike to ride with you guys . mines not a carver anymore . I was hoping to get another one this spring but works not going very well. That and i'm spending all my money going back and forth to Va. to see my Mom . We find out after valetines day how the treatments have been doing so I will be in Va. then too.
You mean I'm gonna have to change the date just for you?

we might have to do that...

Hey everyone, just thought I'd say hello to all those back home in the Pac NW. I can't wait to get home and see all my friends, and well... now I get to make some new ones thanks to my Hayabusa. I hope all is going well for everyone back there and I simply can't wait to get home and ride. I spend a lot of time in the Tacoma area due to the military, but I also spend some time farther north in Everett because my son lives there so I head up there every weekend to see him. So, anyone in the area feels like making a new friend, hit me up, and maybe in about 6 months time, we'll be out riding together.
