Pacific Northwest

There are a lot of toy runs...which one?

Also, have how many are thinking about trying to do the Million Dollar Hwy ride in Co. if this goes off?

I rode that Summer 2008. It's a great ride. I stopped for a few hours at the silver mine along the way. It's worth the trip. :beerchug:



Yes. Ive been spacing out the meds more. That's not working very well at 1 week post. Most of the pain is probably from the scar tissue that was removed.

Do whatever ya gotta do to get the right balance between being mobile and dealing with the pain and the pain meds :thumbsup:
:welcome: Clay.

I live north of Seattle. There are some amazing roads in the North Cascade foot hills. You'll have to check it out next spring.
HWY 20 is North of Marysville. You can take I-5 to Arlington and ride HWY 530 east to get there. I prefer HWY 9 heading North from Snohomish to HWY 530.
I really would like to get together with folks in the PNW to do a ride or two...we have so many good folks around here...even if we met at a half way point for lunch and part of a ride...