Pacific Northwest

Well MJN , I guess everyone is bowing out.
So I guess theres not going to be a ride this weekend . I talked to BV and he didn't think he could make it and ZXmurphy problaby won't also. Even my buddy Jay said he can't now . What about later this month or early next month people? Come on its going to get crappy out there fast . Anyway We can figure out something . Ideas are welcome.
Frisbee! I think we should plan some kind of local day ride for now! I'm not interested in chancing bad weather on the pass. I think it is going to have to wait until spring! Sorry!!!
Where you want to go? I would like to do bluitt pass to Leavonworth have lunch and come back.
That sounds good! I've done that backwards!!!! We did that coming back from MJN's last month and it was great except Steven's pass. The traffic was horrific!!! I have plans Sunday this weekend so let's look at the weekend after and keep our eye on the weather!!! OK?
Can't be next weekend . My bikes going to be in the South Hill Mall for a bike show my Christian motorcycle group is putting on . Maybe the next?
We'll watch the weather . I ride everyday to seattle so I don't care if its only a little rain .
I don't mind a drizzle but it is no fun for me to ride all day in the rain!!!! We'll see what happens!!!! Keep your fingers crossed!!!
Hell....little bit-o-snow won't hurt ya!!!

There is still some riding season left....we might ba able to make this meet later....keep me posted!

Maybe not you ! I know most people don't even ride in the rain . The only reason I do is because I haven't owned a car in 13 years. I was looking forward to coming over there this weekend but I guess life happens . Maybe later I hope .
Maybe not you ! I know most people don't even ride in the rain . The only reason I do is because I haven't owned a car in 13 years. I was looking forward to coming over there this weekend but I guess life happens . Maybe later I hope .
No problem dude. I know it isn't nearly as much fun when the wet stuff falls....I was just joshin' y'all!!

We'll get together sooner or later.

Ride safe man.
My dad's discription of flying is " hours and hours of boredom puctuated by moments of sheer terror" . Always thought that was kinda funny.

My carreer is "hours of boredom puctuated by moments of total chaos"..........

I am currently waiting for some chaos.:p
Woo Hoo!!!! We really are the most active geo region for sure!!!!

I'm so sorry this ride fell apart but as long as it's not wet out I will ride all winter. I think I only went 3 weeks last year without riding so the cold doesn't stop me. I think it would be great to come and see your bike show next weekend. I think you said it was at the Puyallup mall?
What are the hours and when are you going to be there? I would love to meet you and see your bikes!!!

My cowling came in today and my friend is going to install it for me soon. Hopefully Sunday we will be getting enough sunshine to ride for a bit. I'm having terrible scooter withdrawal!!!!
frisbee Posted on Oct. 14 2005,10:40
Well we hit page 33 [/QUOTE]

Pacific NW is the place!!!