Paint ideas.. Would love some feedback

It is an 07.. But to make it easy.. it IS 4th quarter 06 build stamped 07. Anyone want to see the title and everything else is welcomed. (same thing I went through when I first joined the board)

Ok.. You're gonna have to go look up where I already had to prove where white was the fastest color.. So in reality, I'm slower her down some.. hahah:poke:

Please read above.. I almost took the bike back because I thought it may had been a rebuild and some how texas blue pappered her.

Yea.. the Kanji on mine now is just like that except with a bit of metalic flake in it (best way I could describe it).

nah... It's an 06'. We know your bike better than you :stirpot:
bike REALLY needs a paint job :poke:. Go with the 09 red/blk scheme! If i'd paint my bike, that'd be the color i'd go with.
Yea.. probably so.. but not better than Suzuki.. They made it.. Not me.. I'm only telling you what they are telling me via the info they provided. (i.e. the VIN)

And RusselJ. Email sent. Thanks in advance.

Did you buy the bike new or used?

If new, it's a 06 LE no doubt about it. If they are saying it's an 07 well someone in the title department screwed up BIG time transferring the certificate of origin...

The stamp on the frame is the vehicle build run so that doesn't mean it's an 07. For instance my 2008 Gen-II has a build date of 11/07. It's not a 07 model but the production run was built in 07. Same with yours, it was a late 06 model built in 07 since assembly runs on the fiscal year.

The only way it's an 07 is if you bought it used and the bike was crashed (before you bought it) and fixed with the wrong plastics. Then again, it's got the 06 LE wheels also so they went through a big change to make an 07 look like an 06...
Ok. Not really trying to defend it or wtf ever people.. Getting the **** off topic. Not the point. WHO ****ING CARES!!! We're talking about paint for my damn bike.. Not symantics... GEEZE
Ok. Not really trying to defend it or wtf ever people.. Getting the **** off topic. Not the point. WHO ****ING CARES!!! We're talking about paint for my damn bike.. Not symantics... GEEZE


i like your idea- always thought that the green/blu/purple chamelion paint was sweet:thumbsup:
hey huston, there is a general motors color called bermuda blue and it acts like a comealon but different. It has a nice dark blue/purple that will change to a nice green inbetween. Its really nice and mimmicks your screen pretty close. You can see it on some pontiac grand prixs and gmc denali's and youkons. Check it out I think you'll like it, make sure you look at your colors in direct sunlight. Its different inside to outside
I like copper. LOL, green's and yellow float my boat too. And don't forget orange. If cindy did not paint her triumph orange, I would have been riding an orange busa. I saw pic's of a very dark green and med. green done in the 02 scheme, sweet.

i like your idea- always thought that the green/blu/purple chamelion paint was sweet:thumbsup:

Thanks. I have problems, I always see something in my head and most everyone doesn't like it 'til they see it. Glad someone can see my vision.. Figured I just didn't know how to express it.. lol.. (or finally found someone that takes the same language.. :rofl:)

hey huston, there is a general motors color called bermuda blue and it acts like a comealon but different. It has a nice dark blue/purple that will change to a nice green inbetween. Its really nice and mimmicks your screen pretty close. You can see it on some pontiac grand prixs and gmc denali's and youkons. Check it out I think you'll like it, make sure you look at your colors in direct sunlight. Its different inside to outside

Finally.. A solution w/o saying nope. I will most def look in to that color. Although I'm having one more issue that's been mention more than once by unrelated people which is the surface area. Which makes sense to me, but hoping. But THANK YOU for that input.

I wouldn't paint an '06 LE... Too rare...


Well listening to the rest of the world I don't have an LE or something is a miss.. But seriously, the previous owner laid it down and the fix is new plastice. At $600 per piece, it'd be cheaper to repair and paint. Plus I really just want to personalize it. Just something slightly different.. But not to be different, just noticable.

I like copper. LOL, green's and yellow float my boat too. And don't forget orange. If cindy did not paint her triumph orange, I would have been riding an orange busa. I saw pic's of a very dark green and med. green done in the 02 scheme, sweet.

I've actually seen an orange busa. It was cold.. Orange and black. But just not my style. But I do like the pictures I've got in my head with those color. So make your orange busa regardless of Cindy's Triumph and let's roll the strip together.. hahah:cheerleader:..
what do you mean by surface area? too costly for paint or how how much area to paint that color. Less than $100 a pint in PPG DBC im pretty sure. It would look great over any design or the whole bike. Its a favorite color of mine
Well listening to the rest of the world I don't have an LE or something is a miss.. But seriously, the previous owner laid it down and the fix is new plastice. At $600 per piece, it'd be cheaper to repair and paint. Plus I really just want to personalize it. Just something slightly different.. But not to be different, just noticable.

Actually, probably not depending how wild you go with the paint. Most custom paint jobs are around $2k on up unless you go with a basic solid color. Even then that depends how much work is needed to get the plastics in paint-able shape...

MSRP on the nose cone is $382 and $440 for each side (painted). PM a sponsor with Honda East Toledo and you can get them even cheaper.

So you are talking around $800 if it's just the one side. $1,200 if it was dropped on both sides. You aren't going to get a custom paint job like you are talking for less than that... ;)
what do you mean by surface area? too costly for paint or how how much area to paint that color. Less than $100 a pint in PPG DBC im pretty sure. It would look great over any design or the whole bike. Its a favorite color of mine

I mean for the chameleon and chameleon like paints, most are saying that with a small surface area, it may not create the desired effect.

Actually, probably not depending how wild you go with the paint. Most custom paint jobs are around $2k on up unless you go with a basic solid color. Even then that depends how much work is needed to get the plastics in paint-able shape...

MSRP on the nose cone is $382 and $440 for each side (painted). PM a sponsor with Honda East Toledo and you can get them even cheaper.

So you are talking around $800 if it's just the one side. $1,200 if it was dropped on both sides. You aren't going to get a custom paint job like you are talking for less than that... ;)

I'm talking both sides and noes are scratched. So about $1600, just for those pieces of plastics. The highest quote I've had to date was $1700 and he was going a bit wild for my taste. Most have been in the $1300 -1500 range. So in short, it's about the same amount of money and I get what I want. (which is the key) Not heavy customized, but more so personalized.
I'm painting mine ford sonic blue metallic. You could paint it mystichrome... Paint wont be expensive at all.... :whistle: That bermuda blue is a nice deep color though too. I see them all the time working next to a chevy dealer.
I'm talking both sides and noes are scratched. So about $1600, just for those pieces of plastics. The highest quote I've had to date was $1700 and he was going a bit wild for my taste. Most have been in the $1300 -1500 range. So in short, it's about the same amount of money and I get what I want. (which is the key) Not heavy customized, but more so personalized.

Maybe you didn't read my post, it's $1,260 at FULL MSRP PRICE for ALL those pieces PAINTED brand new OEM. If you talk to Honda East he could probably get $100+ OFF of that price shipped to your door.

But if you want custom paint, go for it! Let us know what it ends up costing you... :beerchug:
Maybe you didn't read my post, it's $1,260 at FULL MSRP PRICE for ALL those pieces PAINTED brand new OEM. If you talk to Honda East he could probably get $100+ OFF of that price shipped to your door.

But if you want custom paint, go for it! Let us know what it ends up costing you... :beerchug:

And maybe JUST MAYBE you didn't read the part of "WHAT I WANT"..... I understand what you want for my bike will cost me 1160 if I get it from Honda East. And what I want for MY BIKEis going to run me $1500... Maybe that's where the disconnect is. I don't know. I got it. I understand your point though.:banghead: Thanks for letting me know, but I have a habbit with all I own wanting to do something a little different. Again, not to make a over the top crazy custom, but more so to just personalize it.