Painted some tire lettering today.

You sure that isnt a photoshop on them stickers look like they fit pretty good over the lip if it is not i would like those stand out good and clear
like i said before i " like " the hot rod look, keeping them clean is not that herd to do. i love detailing out the girl so every 1-2 months i do reapply the paint as long as you upkeep it its takes about 30 minutes to do

You sure that isnt a photoshop on them stickers look like they fit pretty good over the lip if it is not i would like those stand out good and clear
Got the pic from ebay (not sure if it's a chop).  Item number: 8044743280
seller:  rosko07
BIN price:  9.99 pounds
you get 5 stickers in 14 color combos

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