Pair valve block off plates?

That's the old school "sucker mod". It's actually suctioning the crankcase.
I vaguely remember a similar mod I did on a kwaka ZZR11, That bike had an emissions system that drew air into the exhaust ports in the head via reed valve to burn excess fuel. I put the blocking plates in and noticed no difference. Can't even remember why we did it back then? Just tinkering stuff, like putting pinstripes on rims.
I vaguely remember a similar mod I did on a kwaka ZZR11, That bike had an emissions system that drew air into the exhaust ports in the head via reed valve to burn excess fuel. I put the blocking plates in and noticed no difference. Can't even remember why we did it back then? Just tinkering stuff, like putting pinstripes on rims.

Some bikes needed it done.
On a Kawasaki 636, if you wheelie it past about 9 o'clock, it starts dumping oil...and right on to the tire.
Get the bike near verticle, and oil is pouring full stream.
But, on the 636, even the block-offs won't fix it, you have to run a 'catch can' with a rag in it to capture the oil that comes out.
Fortunately no Suzuki that I know of, including the Busas, has this problem.