Panhandlers and beggers

Oh he was very happy. In no way did he show anything else than gratitude. Our turn light went green and I pulled up and rolled the window down and said hey man I don't have any money but would you like a taco and a coke? He lit right up and came and got them. Sat down and tore into it. It's already hot !!! here so the coke for sure hit the spot :) I got a beep or two when I stopped but then when they saw me give him food I think they relaxed a bit. Hey it lifted me up a bit thinking I'd done my good deed for the day :)
if ur physically able to panhandle ur physically able to work.....:whistle:

I laugh when they say "Sir do you have any extra money?" so I say when you say extra do you mean they paid me more money this week in my paycheck by accident and ur wondering if im gonna give it to you now???? keep dreaming!

I love when they as for "spare change." i always respond with, "I gotta spare ass whoopin in the trunk of my car, mothersucker, you betts go getta spare job!" :rofl:
Id deff give a girlfriend some cash to tuck away in his shell. :lol:

I like the idea of giving a meal, sammich or some clothing ect.. to someone who needs it, especially the folks who are mentally ill. Just the money thing that gets me mad. Oh, and if they were.honest about.buying a beer, it would probly get em a Lincoln :whistle:

Smellphone via Forum Runner
Panhandlers and beggers, I hate em!!

I stop at the grocery store on my way home from work, As I walk in I notice a guy sittin on a bench outside the door. I pay him no mind, get my shopping and leave out that same door. As I walk out I hear him say "Spare a Dollar" My response wasnt as friendly as maybe it could have been so I wont quote it here:whistle:

Now, Im usually a pretty nice guy, hold doors for old ladies, get things off high shelves at the store ect. I try to do my lil part to be a decent member of society. One thing I wont do, is give handouts. I didnt just work an 11hr day to give him any part of my paycheck. I earned it, Ill spend it on myself and those I know and care for, not people who wanna be a waste to society.
He was probably just a little thirsty or needed a fix :laugh: Whats wrong, can't help a guy in need of a high? You buzzkill :rofl:
There is one homeless guy in my town that I got to help out once. He had a sign work for food. I picked him up and had him do small yard stuff around my house. After that I cooked some dinner and had a beer with him. Nice old guy and some have crazy stories to listen to. The ones that have real problems I help out and it always brightens up both our days. I dropped him off at his corner and gave him a $20 for the help. The ones that are just too lazy and drunk I pass
we don't have homeless for most of the year. more of a transient thing. they would freeze to death up here.

:whistle: i've got a soft spot for gutter punk kids.
:laugh: i used to be one of those punk rockers, spare changing for smokes.

"Pardon me. can you please part with a pile of pretty pennies, for a pack of peaceful pedestrians panhandling politely, Please." :super:

i take beggars on a case by case basis.
some are mentally ill, others just sorry SOB's.
I'm on the same band wagon as far as not giving any money to them but when Chick Fil A is giving away free breakfast sandwiches on some Thursday's, I give away my extra as well as my apprentice's.
I don't really give them the time of day anymore...I've tried to be nice, I have tried to give them food. NOPE. they turned down my food, and wanted money...WHY?!? well follow one of these panhandlers/beggers after they are done for the day, more than likely you will end up at a local bar or liquor store cuz they need their booze. So they ask for money Hell NO!..did you know some of these guys make up to $30+ per hour doing this...yea ridiculous
Won't give them cash but occasionally will offer to buy them a meal or drink and when they refuse I know I've done the right thing as they will only buy booze or drugs with the cash.
i had a fella here last week the was at Wallyworld, holding a sign that said
"have CDL, need Job, Homeless!"
i offered him a job.
there are a dozen places hiring truckers here right now.
offered him a ride to go get a job. hop in duder, let's go!

bla bity bla bla.
ok dude kiss my but!
im done with ya, get the funk outa my town or your gonna end up in a post hole.


:whistle:haven't seen him sense. :whistle::laugh:
Just the other day, a buddy told me a story about how he pulled up to a light on a cold day in the pouring rain. A guy was sitting there begging for change. My buddy happened to have an old winter jacket in the car that he doesn't use anymore anyway, so he handed it out the window to the guy, didn't give him a dime though. Well the light turned green, he pulled away and actually got pulled over by a cop who watched all this go down. He basically just got a little "talking to" about how these guys probably make more than you etc etc, then went on his way. Thought that was interesting..
I feel very sorry for them. It is hard to pass them by without giving because I do not know their true circumstance. Who am I to judge. I usually do give them some money if Tom is with me because we are blessed and I look at it as passing on the blessings. And I hope that good karma will come my way by doing this. We donate to various charities throughout the year, but a person right in front of you, just too personal for me to bear....
Panhandlers and beggers, I hate em!!

not people who wanna be a waste to society.

What nerve to say that panhandlers are a waste to society.
If you don't want to give then don't, but your prejudice is repulsive.

I work hard to maintain a home, family, and a college education, but there was once a time when I was not so blessed.
My ex-husband beat the hell out of me and left me for dead.
After leaving the hospital, I had nothing left, no job and no home.
If it wasn't for some wonderful people to help me, I would not have survived.

I was working a job, ( PAYING TAXES ) and looking for a second,
but because the pantries and missions only fed on hours when I was working,
I had to beg for change just to eat.
It is humiliating and degrading to beg just to get by.

Now, I understand that there may be some lazy people out there, or beggars who may not be exactly honest -
BUT, you cannot group everyone into that little mold.

If you lost everything and everyone in your life tomorrow, what would you do?
How would you get by?

Maybe you should think about other people a bit before you judge.
My father just retired from gm after 35 years, a guy he worked with back in 1989 drove from here in flint michigan down to detroit on weekends in his brand new caddy and would park in an alley and change into his "bum" clothes. He would panhandle for money saying he was poor homeless etc. In 1989 he made $35,000 panhandling which was on top of his skilled trades paycheck from general motors. Most of these people make more than people that actually work for a living and it is pathetic. Sorry but there are people out there who really need help but the 99% of the fakers ruin it for the good ppl who truly need help in life.
I remember a homeless guy that saved my life one time, back in the late 90's, when I was being robbed at gun point coming out of a bar in SE Washingotn D.C. He hit the dude in the head with a brick and robbed him. He lived in the alley behind the club and said from now on to park back there and give him $10, that he keeps all the cars back there safe. He made out pretty good, turns out that there were always 20 or more cars back there and he really did keep them all safe. From then on I always parked there, gave him $20 and brought dinner from Taco Bell (his favorite). From time to time I remember that story and will give someone on a street corner a buck. I dont like to do it but I fell I owe ol George (if that was his real name) to still help.

lol are u talking about nations?
i went to private school and we had the benefit of a class called social justice. bob hoderny is the teacher that had the most impact on my life. through this class we learned so much that it should almost have been called social in-justice. one of the requirements tho was to volunteer at the soup kitchen zachaeus in down town dc. there are myriad legit reasons for people being dont know every ones story is all I can say.

however theres a guy by nats stadium lol i see him all the time and he is a horror to look at so for the most part I know hes worse of than i am and i am inclined to help those worse off than he asked for a $1 I gave it to em. then he says well with $2 I can get a soda...ok here then he says with $3 i can hit the carry out ....sure here you go then he says with $4 I can get bla bla I said thats all my singles man and held up and spread the loot i had which was all 50s and 100s he pulls out his knot and goes I got change LOL ....I havent given him money since...

if you can help someone if you cant or dont want to, respect a fellow human being. sometimes just looking a person in the eye and saying hi helps. as for fakes... if they are faking that will come back around to them