parenting skillz

I quit watching half way through.
the good part or worse is at the end.... watch the rest
makes for good TV I suppose... but in reality little chubby boy would have been handed a pretty severe beat-down. (with a phone book so there would be no visible bruising)
I would start off with an ass whoopin..... Just so he knows who's in control...... Once he knows I'm bigger than he knows he can shut up or I can shut him up.... Then I would set the ground rules.......

1. I'm in charge
2. You dont like it see rule number 1
3. You want to talk more **** see rule number 1 and prepare for ground rule 1 (ass whoopin)

Once you have the attention and there are consequences then all three rules work in your favor.......

Consistant ass whoopins is what that boy needs.. not a hug, not a talking to... he needs to learn respect.......
I think he was ham'n it up for the camera. he keeps looking over at it. I think mom should have back handed him over the chair and stomped him
i wonder if Dr. Phil shows are scripted just like the Springer shows???
I'm afraid the next place that kid would of been seen is on a milk carton after putting a finger in my face let alone slapping me. The root of that problem is the parents. They didn't lay down the law when he was little.
That whole show made me want to scream. I don't have kids and he is definitly great birth control.

Even Dr. Phil was asking the mother why she didn't do anything.

I would have given him something to call CPS about!!!!



Off to the woods with a shovel...

Yes, he was playing to the camera.

But, you know the lady was holding back because of the camera. Surely, she would have put a smack or two across his face.
Camera or not, the moment he slapped there would have been a fist coming back to knock his ass right off the chair.

He's a product of entitlement deprived parents that enabled him to become a brat!
Jr, Dr Phil may not call CPS/Police and a lawyer, but when we get home, I bet you do..... RIP you little Puke..
Ehh, yeaaahhhh...

If that were my kid he'd have a broken jaw right then and there.

Flip side of that coin is that this would not have happened if it were my kid. Jabbing/elbow tapping is only a form of non-verbal communication when done HARD, and to the FACE. And it has a clear meaning in that context.

Oh, and he's EMO. Adam Dutkiewicz would have a field day with this kid.
YouTubey Link[/url]
Man....that is the problem with society today, when the power is taken away from parents to discipline ie: (not abuse) their children this is what you get.. That young child would have been picking himself off the ground.
BTW Where is Dad? You can tell that this child doesnt have a HEALTHY fear of his parents.
Boundaries and Consequences have never been a part of that kid's life. The mom doesn't deserve to be abused like that but it was inevitable that the kid would eventually smack her. I bet you anything, that wasn't the first time and it surely will not be the last.

I have no respect for either of the parents or for the kid or for Dr. Phil.
