WOW! We are getting some thorough testing of metal. Thanks very much Goatcart. I am already satisfied with what you have discovered but I'm interested to hear more.
I was not expecting the anodizing on the Chazzos to be of especially high quality. However, from other posts on Chazzos, seems the finish on the chromed levers is quite thick which is an indication of high quality chrome. Care to speculate on how good the anodizing is?----or is all anodizing pretty much the same thing?
I would be very curious to look at data concerning how the chazzos compare to Pazzo and OEM in form-----particularly, how effectively they contact the clutch piston/cable mechanism (IOW--do Chazzos or Pazzos cause constant clutch slippage/wear?).
Honestly since i was doing a rush job i wasnt paying to much attention to the anodizing.... it was more in my way than anything for doing testing LOL...
Off the cuff, i would say both are satisfactory, and pass the muster... Again though, im dealing with sample sizes of ONE, and one of them came from a dropped bike...
I can try to get a closer look at some of this stuff, though i go on vacation this coming week so i'll be in the lab a couple times to tidy up some projects, but thats about it..
I am hoping to get to ride in the next week or so!!!
In regards to functionality, i wouldnt even begin to give an opinion, i havent had either lever on my bike, and i have no real background in motorcycle components etc etc... i just dont have an informed opinion there..
HOWEVER, the chazzo and pazzo as far as layout were nearly identical, and i dont think varried much if at all in regards to where they connected to the bike... (brain fried, technical terms escaping me)
i can whip out the dial caliper to verify these things as absolutes.... however, as i said, i am no lever expert... i just know materials...
I guess i didnt pay you enough goatkart! I only paid enough to get "not quite as good"
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YEAH, i gotz billz to pay yo! i need monies to pay for mah h0's laundry!