Passing the baton

Damn your a good man for doin this for your new baby coming congrats and take care
Wow will be missed!

Glad you'll be enjoying a baby girl very soon, and please keep in touch from time to time...we'll all still be here...
Sorry, to hear you had to sell you bike. But definetly a wiser choice. Hopefully I'll see you around starbucks. Oh by the way, I saw your SV at summit at the last track day I was at. Had to stop by at the tent and ask the guy if it was yours from the pics you had posted. Yup it was yours. He was loving it. Take care bro!
Damn Oracious-One...
you'll be sorely missed, but sometimes a brotha gotta do what a brotha gotta do...
Anyway, best of luck with the new seed and have a Merry Christmas and a most prosperous New Year.

...I sold my busa over the weekend...
Dude, big boo-boo. Rule one of parenting is that you can't take care of anybody else unless you take care of number one. That means good food, rest when you can, exercise, and -- most of all -- keep your head straight. If you're a basket case, you kid won't be any better for it.

After three months of feedings every three hours and six months of not sleeping through the night, you're gonna be a mess. You may not be ready to ride right then, but looking at your other baby in the garage will be a huge source of comfort -- kind of like a long winter.

I bought my first bike a few months after having our first baby after years of wanting one and screwing around with other people's bikes. Best thing I've ever done. Yes, riding a motorcycle is risky, but you were risking abandoning your (smaller) family in a fatal accident before anyway.

Besides that, in a couple of years your child will be a bike freak, guaranteed, if you ride, and it will be great thing to bond over. Get another bike you *want* soon, or you will be ten more years down the road wondering what the hell you were thinking. Get a bike, and a heap of life insurance.

It's worth it to your head, and that will make your family healthier, believe me.

As for cruisers? Pah! Listen, no cruiser can actually turn or stop like a sport bike. None. For my money they aren't at all safe in comparison. As for speed, that's in your head -- not between your legs, as it were -- and you can die at any speed if you can't get the bike to do what you want.

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