Patriot Guard tough day

Even if Americans don't support a war that we're in I think every one of us should respect and honor our soldiers. Not being military, I can only imagine what they have been and are going through. I remember when our guys came back from vietnam and how they were treated. I couldn't believe that this was happening. These men and women are defending our country! The Patriot Guards make it a little easier on the families and are what this country is supposed to be.
doesnt matter who they are or what they did everyone deserves a peaceful funeral. out of all the worthless legislation we have to keep people from having hurt feelings we cant do anything to stop this. it really irritates me.
doesnt matter who they are or what they did everyone deserves a peaceful funeral. out of all the worthless legislation we have to keep people from having hurt feelings we cant do anything to stop this. it really irritates me.

:werd: It's unreal...
I am prior service (ARMY) and a member of the patriot guard, I havent been on a funeral ride though. I love the fact Nobama will strong arm a goof ball Quran burner, but say nothing about the phelps family. Pretty disrespectful on his part if you ask me. I wouldnt piss on the westboro church if it was on fire with all the members in it and the doors locked, thats for sure
It is just so sad!!!! I love the Patriot Guard and all that they do. We have the local Patriot Guard come out to all the events to help support our wounded warriors. They are AMAZING!!!! Thank you all for your continued service!
So our Fearless Leader (Da President) opens his mouth about the Preacher (with a massive 50 :laugh: followers) just proposing to Burn a Book. So where is he NOW :whistle:

"Oh Yeah" it's Monday Night Football and he needs to plan his Weekly Wensday Night Party Dinner :beerchug: Yeeeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa Everybody Life is Good :santa: .

:duh: Here I go again :stirpot:
Thank you for posting this Captain.
I belong to the "Leathernecks MC", and we ride with the "Patriot Guard" at some funerals in this area. We also help vets in our area who need help, as well as those in nursing homes/hospitals etc. We had a very succesfull outing with them this Spring in Troy, IL at the funeral of a young Airman killed in combat. His family asked us to help out.
There has to be a special place in Hell for those protestors.
i am a proud member of the Patriot Guard, and have stood with honor for hours in freezing cold and blazing heat. i am proud to do it. it is the least i can do for those that have served and or died for me.(not looking for an atta boy, i just beleve in the cause) i have had to deal with the Phelps family a couple of times. once with the PGR and another during a matthew shepard's funeral. they are awful. they even get thier little kids to scream thier hate message. it is really hard not to pop them in the kisser or just chipper shed the entire clan. but being a PGR member we can not give them the honor of any kind of attention, our focus is where it should be, honoring the real heros of our country and honoring the familys by blocking the phelp's onslaught of hate.

thank you for the pics.

are you a PGR member?
Doug, your Dad and the rest of the Patriot Guard are awesome people! Fills my heart with pride knowing there are people like them on our side.
This crap should fall under a hate crime. I know what goes around, comes around, but the come around, needs to hurry up.

God bless the Patriot Guard !!!
If this was a member of my family and the phelps showed up spewing that crap, Christian or not I don't think I could restrain myself from "laying hands" on a few of them! :whistle:
That is pretty sad. The family must have a lot of patience to not have done anything to those people. I'd go on a rampage if I were to experience something like that. Before this, I've never heard of the Patriot Guards but, they look like some really amazing people.
Doug, your father is an amazing man and I can tell you from the times I've spoke with him he loves God, Country, & Family. May God bless all the Patriot Guard and its riders and if your looking for a life changing event I encourage each and everyone of you to show up for a mission. As a Patriot Guard Rider and Legion Rider I can promise you wont have a more moving experience............