Paypal security


I received an email from what I thougt was paypal this morning.

It stated that my account had been placed on hold due to security reasons, and that I needed to login and verify some information before it was put back to normal.

I know to watch for scams. This one looked good... after clicking on the link, it looked like the paypal login screen, asking for email and password.

I looked at the website address(url), and it was not Paypal's.
I looked at the bottom of my web browser, and it did not have the secure key.

Please be careful everybody. It's not hard to be lazy or in a hurry to fix things.....
It is hard to undo mistakes of that magnitude.


fyi, paypal lists security information here: Paypal Security Center

Thanks for the heads up!


Paypal will always start their e-mails.....

Dear, John Smith
not Dear, member!

<span style='color:crimson'><span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Paypal will never ask for your password.</span></span> 

Also they have a spoof e-mail link on their page where I forward all spoof e-mails

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Paypal will NEVER ask you for password or other account information in an unsolicited email. Treat anything like that as if someone called you up out of the blue and asked for your social security number etc.
If you want to get rid of these altogether (and are using MS Outlook and the like), I suggest Cloudmark SpamNet ( It's a great spam killer that constantly updates, dpepending on what all users flag to be spam or not. Brilliant little thing.

The bonus being that it will also check against DNS, so spoofed emails that don't match the DNS as they should also get sent straight to the spam folder, but still allows legit stuff through, which has saved me a ton of headaches from ebay, paypal, and others.
Gotta be careful with everything these days! Thanks for the heads up!
Just send em to
Get em all the time! Wanna No brainer to figure out the legit from the Sh^$%#@
Make up a logon ID and Password; If it takes give them all the made up info you want...
Love to keep em on their toes! It's like spamming the spammer.

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You can also download the ebay toolbar.
Whenever you are on a Paypal or Ebay website one of the buttons turn green. If it detects that it is a fake site it will automatically report it to Paypal.
Paypal will NEVER ask you for password or other account information in an unsolicited email.  Treat anything like that as if someone called you up out of the blue and asked for your social security number etc.
I have gotten stuff like this too,
but again they will never ask for info threw an email !!!!
be careful,
and report to paypal when this happens
I received an email from what I thougt was paypal this morning.

It stated that my account had been placed on hold due to security reasons, and that I needed to login and verify some information before it was put back to normal.

I know to watch for scams. This one looked good... after clicking on the link, it looked like the paypal login screen, asking for email and password.

I looked at the website address(url), and it was not Paypal's.
I looked at the bottom of my web browser, and it did not have the secure key.

Please be careful everybody. It's not hard to be lazy or in a hurry to fix things.....
It is hard to undo mistakes of that magnitude.


fyi, paypal lists security information here: Paypal Security Center
Hey cache,

I got the same thing couple of days back. But in my case it does seem legitimate to me...!!

Well they asked me to change my password, and security question, and also fax them a utility bill... until which I cannot transfer money to anyone.

The only way you will know if it is for real is if you go to the account, and check if it lets you send money!! If you cant send money... your account is blocked for sure!!
...oh and as cache said its important to see if the "secure" symbol is present on the browser window!!
Yep I got the same one. Ive learned that NO MATTER what email I get I open a new window and log into paypal manually and never had had problems. I sent the page to paypal for their enjoyment too.

Just send em to
Get em all the time! Wanna No brainer to figure out the legit from the Sh^$%#@
Make up a logon ID and Password; If it takes give them all the made up info you want...
Love to keep em on their toes! It's like spamming the spammer.
Guys/Gals Your missing a prime time to get even with the Bad guys! I'm serious when I say MAKE UP a login ID and Password! IF it takes... the guys fishing are in for some rough times...... MAKE UP A CREDIT CARD NUMBER, YOUR IDENTITY, ETC.... Just imagine how long it would take the bad guys to weed out the good from the bad IF everybody would do this. Fishing would be over. Help the cause, Ks..