Pazzo Levers


Formerly known as "Zuki"
Donating Member
Was sorta excited to get the Pazzo Levers on, and all I can say is wow! I went with the short style, and I am completely happy I went this route. Thought I would post a few pictures & Instal was a Breeze. Link no longer works Link no longer works Link no longer works Link no longer works
Why do you like the short? I was going to order a set, but didn't know if I would like the short ones. I was just going to be safe and order the long.
I always cover with 2 for me the short style works out great. Infact I can put a full 3 fingers on the lever with no issues. I personaly think the shorts look better, and if the bike tips over I dont break my $150.00 + levers, where the longer version would hit before the bar-end and break. I wasnt sure if I made the right decision, but now that I got them on, Im 100% glad I went this route - Like I said, this style works for me.
got to say thats the first set of levers that i have seen that i have liked- and the shorties work for me too--thanks for the idea!

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Where and how much? Thanks.
Ordered mine from Mspeedperformance in Burnaby, BC (604- 294-3354), spoke with Robert. I got mine when "gixxstar" Posted about the group buy. I paid $150.00 + a few dollars for shipping I think - No complaints, real friendly people.

StreetnTrack looks to be offering them sometime in the future for $145.00 Shipped, which is an awesome deal! If I would have know Charles would be offering these for his group buy price, I would have got them from him. Charles from StreetnTrack has given me some great prices & fast shipping recently.
Ok, well a few No Brainer Tips on doing this....Everything is a Learning Process to me.

First off I couldnt figgure out why my clutch lever clicked a little...well, just found out today that I needed to take out my OEM Busing which contacts the clutch cable and put it on the Pazzo lever---Not sure how I missed this one, but it is Brass/gold in color - Dont forget to use this piece....clicking gone with bushing installed

Service Manual call for Silicone grease...what the heck is this you ask? Well, forget about finding this stuff in the grease section of FleetFarm/ Wallmart. The good Silicone stuff is cheap and found in the plumbing section of your favorite store. Its called Plumbers Grease and wont wear off from water, and wont corode. About as thick as Bee's-Wax, and is Clear....price is about $1.25 to $2.45 depending on brand...once I put some of this stuff on the Pivot bolt shat, and contact areas between lever & bracket & the OEM Bushing (Duh again)...things are much, much smoother & now water tight.

Ok last tips and I guess this is up to you, but some blue loctite on the counter nut gives me some Peace-of-Mind. Dont over-tighten the pivot bolt and counter nut...just nice and snug.

Anyhow, I won't be able to try these levers out until the snow is gone, but again these are some serious quality levers! Just thought I would do a little update and add a few tips to this thread, since I made a few No Brainer mistakes on such a simple thing, I figgure this might help some other people who havent replaced Levers before.

Stay Safe
Been looking for a good set of levers wanted CRG, but they don't make them for the busa those look very similar, the short still is nice.
Group buy better be soon.

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How long are the short levers? I want to mark my stock one and see If I can figure if I want the short ones or not. Thanks