PC II and U.S. Fuel grade.


I spoke to a techie at DynoJet yesterday about the PC II and advancing the ignition.

He said that no gains would be got from advancing the ignition until I told him I was in England and that gas here was 98 RON.

He then told me that American gas was 92 RON and advancing the Ignition timing would not make any difference to performance, it would probably even reduce it.

How come that U.S. gas is only 92 RON?. Here in Europe, low grade or standard gas is 95 RON whilst Super is 98 RON.

Weired eh!!!

Your 98 Research Octane Number (RON) is equivalate to about a 92 to 94 Octane based on the MON+RON divided by two method used by most North American Gas companies. MON stands for Motor Octane Number. So ask your petrol station what the Motor Octane # is and do the formula. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the info Frank. I'll check but I doubt that most english forecourt attendants will know what I mean.

My Local Race Tuner (Bob Farnham Racing) says advancing the ignition by around 3% should make a whole load of difference to the bike's performance, whereas thne DynoJet techie said it would make little or even affect the performance on North American models.

I got some REAL dyno time booked for end of October and once we get the "Ultimate Map" I'll post the results here.

