Just picked up my Power II from Micron today. I installed it already but a massive thunderstorm just came in so I am grounded.
The P. commander is programmed from DynoJet for Micron. The Maps included are for the full system, S/ons, Stage 1 European bike, and stock. The P commander came with map .003 which for the full sytem micron, which is what I have. The map was set up on a Dyno at DynoJet to produce the smoothest curve and most power. 15 hp increase is what they claim on the Dyno sheet I have.
I will learn more Thursday once I work with the software more. From the limited time I have looked at it it seems that I can compare setings for the full Micron system with the stock, or any other map. Or, modify to my liking on a Dyno. It provides three tables 1. for fuel mgt. from 10% throttle to 100%, table 3 for small throttle position 0-5% throttle, and ignition timing, (table 4).All changes are made based on throttle position and RPM You need a pentium computer with windows 95/98. It locates under your passenger seat or hump and connects in between your ECU. You can make small chnages using the buttons on the P commander. I am assuming that others may have this unit but not with the settings for the Micron system? I suppose you could install it without a computer if you trust that the settings for the Micron system are good, and you have the Micron System.
I will let you know how it is on thursday and will be on the Dyno 1st week of August.
Five units came in today at Micron and all were sold.
[This message has been edited by Bob (edited 21 July 1999).]