PDF service manual for Gen 3

The disk image file contains the manuals in the following languages:

English 99500-10L00-01E
English 99500-10L00-03E - For U.S.A. spec model
Deutsch 99500-10L00-01G
Italiano 99500-10L00-01B
Spanish 99500-10L00-01S
Française 99500-10L00-01F

The manuals are a disk image file which needs to be mounted. If you have Windows 10 you just double click on it and it will open as a new letter drive (ex: e: ,f: ,etc.)
If you have older versions of Windows you have to install a 3rd party software to mount the image.

Recommended software :
Virtual CloneDrive
DAEMON Tools Lite

When you open the disk image you will find a file named " top ".
You need to open that file with Internet Explorer (not Adobe Reader, it's not a .pdf file)
Open Internet Explorer and simply drag the file (top) in the browser window or select from the menu File ---> Open and select the file (top)
You will be shown a dialogue window and you need to select Yes, otherwise the manuals won't show properly.

Link to download manuals : GSX1300R Service Manual M2(2022) - All languages
The disk image file contains the manuals in the following languages:

English 99500-10L00-01E
English 99500-10L00-03E - For U.S.A. spec model
Deutsch 99500-10L00-01G
Italiano 99500-10L00-01B
Spanish 99500-10L00-01S
Française 99500-10L00-01F

The manuals are a disk image file which needs to be mounted. If you have Windows 10 you just double click on it and it will open as a new letter drive (ex: e: ,f: ,etc.)
If you have older versions of Windows you have to install a 3rd party software to mount the image.

Recommended software :
Virtual CloneDrive
DAEMON Tools Lite

When you open the disk image you will find a file named " top ".
You need to open that file with Internet Explorer (not Adobe Reader, it's not a .pdf file)
Open Internet Explorer and simply drag the file (top) in the browser window or select from the menu File ---> Open and select the file (top)
You will be shown a dialogue window and you need to select Yes, otherwise the manuals won't show properly.
View attachment 1652120

Link to download manuals : GSX1300R Service Manual M2(2022) - All languages
Great job too! If you want to share your Paypal account I would be delighted to thank you
If anybody happens to convert 'English 99500-10L00-03E - For U.S.A. spec model' to a PDF, I could really use a copy. I am Windows / Explorer deficient...

ps Thank You!
Has anyone found the service manual for the 22+ busa in PDF? I hate paper manuals much rather have it up on a 55 inch monitor to read while I work.....
It’s interesting, couldn’t locate spark plug info in mine, refers me to dealer/ mechanic , see that a lot
@Jessica Sinclair Scroll up to #49 and HIT the Mega LINK , beware it's BIG File
thank you so much oxoxox <3 you are a true gent <3 its kinda tricky trying to save it to my hard drive lol scratching my head how to save the file to my hard drive Firefox wont download it, instead it keeps opening the file and not giving me option to save the file. :(

I switched to chrome and it downloaded the pdf as a file to my hard drive perfectly thank you.
thank you so much oxoxox <3 you are a true gent <3 its kinda tricky trying to save it to my hard drive lol scratching my head how to save the file to my hard drive Firefox wont download it, instead it keeps opening the file and not giving me option to save the file. :(

I switched to chrome and it downloaded the pdf as a file to my hard drive perfectly thank you.
Credits are for @HomicidalOctopus It's HIS FAB POST not me
I made a scan of mine until the digitals are released. Should hold yall over.
Hi, I recently purchased a 2022 Silver/Red Busa and I wanted a service manual. Obviously being quite new there aren't many options for the gen 3. However I came across your link and tbh I was very skeptical as to whether the link would work or not....most things in life that are free usually come with a catch. However I should not have been concerned as the PDF download worked perfectly. I would like to take the opportunity of thanking you for posting this link so that others might benefit as I have done.
However I came across your link and tbh I was very skeptical as to whether the link would work or not....most things in life that are free usually come with a catch. However I should not have been concerned as the PDF download worked perfectly.

Yes the work done to digitize manuals for forum members is mind boggling. The tangible and valuable help from forum members here, yes, is quite a step up from much of social media.

May I ask what you did with your 2002 Hayabusa? How long had you owned it?