Personal conditioning, why bother?


Enjoying 1 road at a time
Donating Member
I'm not blowing my own horn here, I'm posting this because I'd like to push some of you over the edge when it comes to physical fittness.
For years I'd work out at the gym enough to stay strong....I'd jog on a regular basis for a few months....THEN I'd ALWAYS LOOSE INTEREST and just give up on it. Off and on for literally decades, my vanity would get me back into being physical for awhile, after all "I was a Marine" and "I played football when I was young" and "I was in the Police Olympics" and "I'm a hard charging retired LA cop, used to be a foot pursuit animal, nobody got away".
Blah, I'm 62 and looked in the mirror and realized that I've NEVER, in all my lifetime, achieved the level of personal fittness that I've aspired to.
Sure, as a young cop, I'd run 5-7 miles a day and all that, but still, never took it to the serious level of "body sculpting and elite performance". I'm not talking about body building competition, I'm talking about a full body transformation from a 260 pound "big ol guy" to a 200 pound slim, fit, energized dynamo that competes with folks 30 years his junior.
For the last 4 months, I've averaged 80-90 miles weekly on mountain and road bicycles, worked out 2-4 times weekly (all the typical stations, 3 sets of 12 reps UNTIL FAILURE) gotten good sleep, taken good vitamins, pretty good nutrition (no hot fudge sundaes, no 15 warm choc chip cookies and a quart of milk like before).
I am a teacher, homeowner, husband, dad of two teenage girls and have 3 motorcycles in the garage so, "I just can't find the time to work out" is a BS cop out statement to me.
SO, if like me, you always feel like you are on the edge of "really getting in shape", jump on it now! Make it happen.
BTW, I now weigh 224 so I'm 24 pounds away from that flat stomach and 34 inch waist! No real dieting either (this morning my wife and I went out for breakfast and I had cheese omelette, bacon and pecan guilt).

If this post convinces one person to pull the trigger on committment, it will have succeeded!

I love you all and want everybody to live a long and prosperous life.

Below are pics of the roller training I do with a bunch of racers, virtual courses that display your heartrate, rpms, wattage, grade %, mph, etc. really fun!



Cigarettes and a woman that cooks excellently are my downfall. I'm 255 (down from an all time high of 282) and would like to be 230. went and played basketball for the first time in over 3 years last monday evening, and hurt for 4 days afterwards...
I'm trying......
That sounds like a good plan.
Good for you. :thumbsup:
I am 58 yrs, and have dropped 40 pounds since July (now 195)
10 to go and I am home.
Way more energy, don't snore anymore, sleep better, arthritis has slowed down, my sciatica doesn't bother me anymore, and my bloodwork is perfect.
I do 40 minutes of cardio 5 times a week and watch the calories and it just goes.
It is worth it guys.
Got heavy into riding bicycles for several years in my 40's. 6' 2", 165lbs, resting heartrate around 50-52bpm, the whole deal. Then, one day, I just imploded and quit riding.
Now I'm 52 and find myself thinking about my mortality sometimes. I'm back up to 200lbs, no desire to return to the pro cyclist build again, but could easily handle dropping 25lbs.
Been putting in a little time on my trainer sometimes. Don't have the entertaining setup that you do, just a bicycle and a mag trainer. Boring as it gets. Longest 30 minutes you could imagine, so I don't use it as much as I should. Spring comes and I can get back outside on the road, I'll see what I can do about the condition my condition is in.