Personalized plate

I just ordered plates for mine yesterday. I dont care if its in a photo but often they are blocked and its understandable really. just added safety concern i think. I really dont care myself. If some one can get L.E.A.D.S. access then they can find out anything about you with the plate. of course if you pay enough I bet you can do it on the net somewhere...oh well.
Like has been said above, it is visible every time you ride it. If you can get through my locked & alarmed garage, horrible man eating Pit Bulls, mean old 5'3" Wife & my 36 guns ... I will call my insurance company :laugh:


never understood the "hide the plate" thing myself.. my new one should be here soon "Un Slow"
If I wanted a custom plate, is there a site that I can go to to see if it is available immediately? I dont mean to jack this thread, sorry.

Your state DMV should have a place on it for it. In Cali, on the DMV site, you can actually see what the plate is going to look like before you submit your payment.
Don't know about NY, there is in FL though. Check on your state department of motor vehicles website. Or someone from NY can chime in here...

Yeah, in NY you can go to DMV and put in the plate number you want. If it's available it will show you how it looks, if not - it will tell you so.

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As a career copper that worked many motorcycle and auto thefts, I can say I've never heard of a theft ring that used license plates as a method for locating vehicles. I guess it could happen but as some of you said, most of the dirtbags would die a painful death!

I busted an $85 million fraud operation last year. The owner of the company, as some form of retaliation, found me on, printed out all my posts and tried to take simple things out of context in an attempt to get me into trouble at work. For instance, I made a post about how sometimes on a sport bike you have to run a red light because with all the plastic our bikes don't trip the lights. He twisted it around to say that I pick and choose which laws I obey. The dude is a complete moron. If he got ahold of my tag number, he'd probably be camping out at my house........or worse, entering my property, thus forcing me to take deadly force against him. It's an ugly world out there.
I can't remember the specifics on the Texas law, do they have to enter your house or just your property for you to use deadly force? Anyway, I'm glad I have my TX CHL...even though I'm in FL. :whistle:
I can't remember the specifics on the Texas law, do they have to enter your house or just your property for you to use deadly force? Anyway, I'm glad I have my TX CHL...even though I'm in FL. :whistle:

after dark they are fair game ...
Some are afraid that people are going to look up their information, possible go to their house and steal their bike. Me, I really don't care who sees my liscense plate, people see it all day long. If they want to steal my bike, well they are going to do it regardless. That's why I pay insurance. Oh, the bikes are registered to an address that the bikes are not garaged or even in the same state.

PS - Purple1300 has the best personalized plate Vib8tr or something like that...

:rofl: It sounds like you're stuttering!!! Or VIBRATING....
I busted an $85 million fraud operation last year. The owner of the company, as some form of retaliation, found me on, printed out all my posts and tried to take simple things out of context in an attempt to get me into trouble at work. For instance, I made a post about how sometimes on a sport bike you have to run a red light because with all the plastic our bikes don't trip the lights. He twisted it around to say that I pick and choose which laws I obey. The dude is a complete moron. If he got ahold of my tag number, he'd probably be camping out at my house........or worse, entering my property, thus forcing me to take deadly force against him. It's an ugly world out there.

If you get the magnets, you'll never have a problem with a traffic light. I forget where I found it, but OH code has some tolerance for bikes proceeding thru a red light