Phase II complete....PICS for your enjoyment!

It looks really good. I heard good things about the M4 exhaust.

I do have 1 question. Where did you get the rubber plugs/whatever for the frame?

Those really stand out and im like dang.. cleans it up super nice.

Hey Joseph...thanks for the compliments!. The M4 system rocks!

Let me see if I can find where I got those rubber plugs again. I know it wasn't off a Ebay, although I'm sure you can find a set of 'em there. It was one of the many online retailers I have saved in my if I can just remember which one? :whistle:

Gimme a day or so to look into it for you....the quality and fit is great by the way :agree:
WOW!!! Seriously, IMO, that is one of the niceset looking busas I have ever laid eyes on! That black "scheme" really sets your ride off as a one-of-a-kind beauty!! NICE!! :thumbsup:
Originally Posted by lavinrac
It looks really good. I heard good things about the M4 exhaust.

I do have 1 question. Where did you get the rubber plugs/whatever for the frame?

Those really stand out and im like dang.. cleans it up super nice.

Plugs came from Lawstcaws I think is how you spell it ?
WOW!!! Seriously, IMO, that is one of the niceset looking busas I have ever laid eyes on! That black "scheme" really sets your ride off as a one-of-a-kind beauty!! NICE!! :thumbsup:

Wow....thank you! That means a lot to me :happy:

Great looking bike :thumbsup: How bout the C/F trim on the ram air ducts? Where did that come from?

I have them around the rear turn signals as well. Just a 'lil somethin' that makes your bike unique w/out looking like cheap. Suzuki Cycles - Product Lines - Cycles - Products - Hayabusa - 2009 - GSX1300R - Accessories - Custom Trim - 990A0-64033

Well done sir! Well done! :beerchug:

Thanks Tru!

Great work there Brian,

Man she looks great dude I am kinda in a state of envy now.:whistle:

Also, I like the GP Shift pattern,

And where did the Kanjo overlay sticker come from..That might be my next mod right there...

Now you have me thinking about a full M4 exhaust to shed some weight off Jeniqua...

Great work there Brian,

Man she looks great dude I am kinda in a state of envy now.:whistle:

Also, I like the GP Shift pattern,

And where did the Kanjo overlay sticker come from..That might be my next mod right there...

Now you have me thinking about a full M4 exhaust to shed some weight off Jeniqua...

Thanks Zack! How you been man!? I've been missing talking to you of late :(

The Kanji overlay was done by the onwer of Tapeworks - Rob Masecar...great guy, great business...nice thing is it's only 30mins from me here in Raleigh/ But you can check out his website and order them precut in just about any color and have them shipped right to your crib. Welcome to the premier aftermarket design source for motorcycle graphics and decals on the web. :thumbsup:

You're already in the M4 family w/ me....just a different system is all. Can't wait to see you the Bash my man :cheerleader:
Thanks Zack! How you been man!? I've been missing talking to you of late :(

The Kanji overlay was done by the onwer of Tapeworks - Rob Masecar...great guy, great business...nice thing is it's only 30mins from me here in Raleigh/ But you can check out his website and order them precut in just about any color and have them shipped right to your crib. Welcome to the premier aftermarket design source for motorcycle graphics and decals on the web. :thumbsup:

You're already in the M4 family w/ me....just a different system is all. Can't wait to see you the Bash my man :cheerleader:

Lol... and I just PM ed ya when I saw you on here.

Genious minds think alike Mwahahaha

I have actually thought about the Vance and Hines 4-2-2 race header with my dual slip-ons but wow I'll bet they would be loud.:whistle:
Brian.... dog! Check this out!! (My Randy Jackson ...American Idol Impression!) THAT IS HOT! I AM DIGG'N THAT! I would rock that! SUPER CLEAN! PM me the hp numbers... Just curious! I have an M4 on the 09 1k... full system. It's louder then the yoshi r77 on the busa. But it did go with the Ti color on my 09 as it seems to go with the Ti color on your Busa! :bowdown::thumbsup::bowdown::thumbsup: Love it! So where is the stock gold wheels?
The weigh removed from the exhaust alone makes a big difference to how the bike handles... 33lbs removed! I weighed mine before and after!
I love it! Very nice looking bike Bro, I have the same color bike that you have. Nice Job.

Apreciate have a sweet looking bike too!

Brian.... dog! Check this out!! (My Randy Jackson ...American Idol Impression!) THAT IS HOT! I AM DIGG'N THAT! I would rock that! SUPER CLEAN! PM me the hp numbers... Just curious! I have an M4 on the 09 1k... full system. It's louder then the yoshi r77 on the busa. But it did go with the Ti color on my 09 as it seems to go with the Ti color on your Busa! :bowdown::thumbsup::bowdown::thumbsup: Love it! So where is the stock gold wheels?

:rofl: Good impression Tim! :laugh:

I was wondering when you'd chime in .....after all you were my nemesis in the "who hates gold wheels" thread for so long :whistle: :laugh:

So to hear that kind of compliment from you is awesome! :colgate:

And you are correct...the weight reduction was super noticeable and makes the back a lot easier to flick side to side. Huge difference really!

I'll PM you or give you a ring re:the Dyno #'s

:rofl: Good impression Tim! :laugh:

I was wondering when you'd chime in .....after all you were my nemesis in the "who hates gold wheels" thread for so long :whistle: :laugh:

So to hear that kind of compliment from you is awesome! :colgate:

And you are correct...the weight reduction was super noticeable and makes the back a lot easier to flick side to side. Huge difference really!

I'll PM you or give you a ring re:the Dyno #'s[/QUOTE]

No problem! Very tasteful and functional to go with the look of the bike! I still like the gold better!:poke::whistle: But Again ver nice! Cant wait to see it at the bash.....and make my 08 blue/GOLD look like pooo pooo! :lol: We need to go ride too....and get macon454 in the mix!:beerchug: