Pics from the first ANNUAL HAYA's in them thar HILLS!

ok im going to post pics now.. not sure how to do that type in between the pics thing. so forgive me for the extra posts in the thread when i want to write something. ok here goes first pic of when we started to get there and everyone milling about.

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more at track n trails SUZUKI ... the suzuki sign was over the garage portion of the dealership to the right. it didnt make sence to take those pics as it might imply that is where our bikes always are.

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kevin (casperle) with one of the shirts the dealership gave us to "behave" ourselves. (again thank you Chuck for being so hospitable there and helping denon70, scott, with his loud bearing in his front wheel, helping casperle ,kevin, with his F1 light that popped on while we rode over to the meet. they flashed the ecu for himto pull codes for free with no errors and the F1 didnt come on again thank goodness , and donateing the shirts for all of us):beerchug:

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first pic is us at about 12pm.. so i called rashad ...waited...called him again.... the second pic is after i called him the second time... "the boys" were chommping at the bit!!. but we waited and rashad worked his way out of the sororiety he was spending the morning at :laugh:
lol caption the pic ... "the zx-14 i caught was .........this big." lol
it was this girl on the front of my bike, and when she was asked how long she had been rideing she answered "1 week!" and the girl on the back squealled to the girl on the front, "oh you got to teach me how to ride"!!!

OK OK, i'm officialy in love with that short haired one on the back and HATING myself for not goin
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the hawks were circleing for any zx-14 fresh road kill that we might have found

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oops second hawk pic a side not the forestry rangers were having a demonstration on sat aug 22nd at 9pm (the day were were there) and we blew by the sign..but everyone wanted to get a pic of it said "birds of prey demonstration sat aug 22nd 9pm" as if they knew we were comeing:bowdown:

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pics of us up on the first stop on top of the mountain. i put everyones name in the one line up pic so you guys know who is who

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and of course even the girls knew wich was the fastest color!! :laugh:

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then once we all said our goodbyes kevin and i ran out to the lake just south of where he lives... that ride there was great too..good views and a exceptional twistie i told him we needed to add to next years route

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Chris, that "pose" has GOT TO BE your trademark lol
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also i have to add this as i feel i would be seriously wrong if i do not. casperle (kevin) not only took my dumb self into his home but made me feel 100% welcome and if it were not for all his help in the route planning and the "chauffeur" for the rides. he set a fair pace that gave us plenty of insight on what was comeing up and made it enjoyable and not "pressured" ohh ask him about that white limo on the way back to the house that wanted him for a hood ornament!!:whistle:
reset the odometer when i left the house that morning...when i got back that night i had accumulated 452 mile that day...most amount of miles ive ever done in a day...was great fun

and hope to do it again next year with more people attending..:thumbsup: