Pics of my Busa, WW2 style.

By all means, do it! I don't care if you live next door. If you want the same look then do it. Heck, I'll even help do the paintwork.
It needs a little more to offset it a little. Maybe a tail number or paint the name of one used in combat on the rear hump.

History here:


Very Sweet! Is that a candanian mike swingarm. I really wish he was still making them, i need and want one really bad. Is it 6-12?
Mercedes Benz was commisioned by the Nazis in world war two for Hitler's personal car. The also made parts for the Gas chambers and other vehicles used in WWII by the Nazi's.
ya know if it bugs you that bad, maybe you need to buy a HD.... (ooops lots of it made in Japan as well)

honestly man what gives with the noise?
Are you gonna say that you like the Taliban in 2064??

Dude, the point is that you should stop being a smartass and never forget what happens in history. Read about the Bataan death march and other types of torture the Japanese did to Chinese and American P.O.W.s, it would mess you up for a week. The Japanese weren't far above Animals.

Oh, and we don't like the Japs now. We have and always will be afraid of strong countries that don't have enough resources and real estate.

Look a little deeper, bro.

Oh and it is a kick ass paint job.

Soooooo what kind/make motorcycle do you you ride? By this statement i sure hope its not a japanese bike, because that would kinda mean you support them and what they did right?

Maybe remove the 'kawasaki' from under it. It's nice because the red on white background matches the one on the plane you posted

HELL this k with a bullet hole or an "X" through it:thumbsup: MAN THAT IS A VERY SICK AZZ THEME!!!! very awesome idea man.....I LOVE IT!!:beerchug:
Are you gonna say that you like the Taliban in 2064??

Dude, the point is that you should stop being a smartass and never forget what happens in history. Read about the Bataan death march and other types of torture the Japanese did to Chinese and American P.O.W.s, it would mess you up for a week. The Japanese weren't far above Animals.

Oh, and we don't like the Japs now. We have and always will be afraid of strong countries that don't have enough resources and real estate.

Look a little deeper, bro.

Oh and it is a kick ass paint job.

Dude, I'll be what ever kind of ass I want, looks like you have dumbass covered. Lighten up Francis!:rofl:

I don't think the paint job was meant as a political statement.
That looks awesome, Paul. You're very talented to get those results from spray cans and tape. Love the color of your truck ,too :thumbsup:
Mercedes Benz was commisioned by the Nazis in world war two for Hitler's personal car. The also made parts for the Gas chambers and other vehicles used in WWII by the Nazi's.

Dude , I see that you are still sporting that Cobra Shirt , Nice Fashion Statement ! :rofl: