You may want to upgrade the pants Glad your on your way to recovering. Bike's toast. Get youself a new one.
Yeah if I would have been wearing the 300 dollar leather pants I bought then I only would have had a shattered wrist. But thats part of the fun. And for everyone saying heal up fast thats kinda a joke now because im already healed. And im serious about that, you cant even tell that I went down a month ago. There are only small patches of scar tissue left and those are disapearing fast. and for 15 breaks in my wrist I have no problems or anything to show for it or the surgery just three weeks ago. Everyone at work and family and freinds are floored that after a month and ive recovered. I have aliitle more work to do to get my wrist back to 100 percent but I figure in another two weeks or so ill be riding again if I can get my bike fixed. But thanks for all the kind words from everyone. I appreciate it more than yall know.