Awesome ride!!
Missed Rdkill and Gunnybusa.. wish you guys could have made it.
I will be posting pics in a few days.. anyone else who took pics please post them up.
I personally had a great time.. I probably hit in excess of 160+ a dozen times, hit 180+ (speedo indicated) a handfull of times. a few small wheelies. (real small, Dex dogged on me for how lame they were lol)
I still love the sign getting on to 58 that reads (next services 70 miles) muah ha ha..
We all drove to Morro Bay, had lunch and then headed back.
All the SoCal riders except for Nelson hit the 101 and headed home. Rich, myself and Nelson went back to my place.
for me it was about 350 miles
For all the SoCal riders I am guessing they had about 600 miles that day (just a rough guess)