Dam...hope he's okay...his wife didn't shoot him did she?
it ended up being a pinched never between C6 and C7 in the neck area of the spine. looks like I will have to live with it surgury is out of the question I am only 44
it ended up being a pinched never between C6 and C7 in the neck area of the spine. looks like I will have to live with it surgury is out of the question I am only 44
I've been having trouble with same area since last January. :[ I've tried - Massage, Chiropratic... took several different Chiropractors but finally got some relief from the pain, tingling and numb feeling in the arms about a month ago. I would even try appuncture before surgery. Hope somethin worx for ya. - K
JC, have the surgery if possible. I am 47 and have had surgery 3 times on my neck. I have had 3 disc's removed and the vertibrae fused. The first was with bone from a bone bank and the next 2 used bone from my left hip. it is not so bad just takes a while to recover. But I have no problems to speak of now. Lots of chronic aches and pain from all the metal rods, screws and wires. But nowhere near as bad as the pain was before the reconstructive surgery's. And I have the added bonus of driving the security guys at the airport crazy. All I need to do now is pull my collar to the side and show them the incision from my jaw to my collar bone about 6 inches. It makes for some great war stories. One time I had a girl in my office actually crying when she asked about the scar on my throat and I told her I was at home alone eating a piece of fried chicken and swallowed a piece of bone and started choking so bad and  that I had to take a steak knife and cut my own throat and reach in and remove the bone just so I could breath again. This girl was so dense she believed me and started crying and said that was so sad and she felt so sorry for because I was all alone. I am not trying to scare you with this, you might get away with just 1 time to make things better. I, on the other hand have a degenerative bone disease that will never go away. All I have to look forward to is more surgery in the future. For now I just take pain pills as needed and go on with my life. So now you guys see why I am a degenerate, bone disease, get it.

Dang sorry to hear about it JC.
 I know you don't particularly care for my opinion BUT I highly recommend Licensed Deep Tissue Massage and a GOOD Chiropractor. Most insurance health plans will cover the Chiropractor and if he sends you to a LMT with a script they will most likely cover that as well.  I had my C5 and C6 crushed together and lost all feeling down my left arm and both hands. After 3 months of Painful Deep tissue massages every Monday Morning and lots of chiro. sessions I am happy to report all is well. You DON'T need to get cut open to get better!!
  Pinched nerves can become unpinched! It will hurt like hell while it being done but it can happen! The first step would be getting your spine straightened to allow things to fall back into their proper place.
If nothing else try it just to prove me wrong

I Wish you the best.

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Hang in there Cheeseman and hope you get to feeling better...
I feel you on the TOO YOUNG FOR THIS, i pinched nerve in my lower back while i was in the army and it took everything i had to convince them not to cut me open. Two years later i still have mild to moderate pain on a daily basis but you learn to live with it and it reminds you that you aren't dead yet... Good luck getting better and best wishes to you.
...Sorry to hear about that JC!! Get well soon mate

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JC, glad to hear your still around. Hope things get better for all of us, seems like it has been one of those years.
get well soon...  im racking up the miles and shes going to need a cheese'n before to long...

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