Yer pic is showin' up on www.uponone.com now. Here's the link...


It's at the top of the page right now. It'll drop as more pics get added...

Again, if she kills anyone it'd better be you!
ahaha, thanks man... She keeps checking it everyday..

"wow, 894 people have looked at my ass"  ahaha

She is shy when it comes to stuff like that.. Its been kinda cool to see her not so self conscience ya know..Her mom was a degrading bitch. I will have some black and white r rated versions here pretty soon for you guys.. i just need to get my busa done because id rather see the r version on the busa instead of the ninja... ahaha...  The X version youll have to pay me for. ahaha.

Thanks bullet, she got a kick out of that...We have been riding twice, and now its pouring down rain.  I will have my new rim tomorrow, so as soon as it clears up we can go on our first ride together as a family... Kid with me and her on the ninja.  Ya, that little monster on the ninja is our kid..
Diyracing.com Domain Gone
You have to love a women who can have a kid and bounce back like NOTHING happened...
ahaha, thanks man... She keeps checking it everyday..

"wow, 894 people have looked at my ass"  ahaha

She is shy when it comes to stuff like that.. Its been kinda cool to see her not so self conscience ya know..Her mom was a degrading bitch. I will have some black and white r rated versions here pretty soon for you guys.. i just need to get my busa done because id rather see the r version on the busa instead of the ninja... ahaha...  The X version youll have to pay me for. ahaha.

Thanks bullet, she got a kick out of that...We have been riding twice, and now its pouring down rain.  I will have my new rim tomorrow, so as soon as it clears up we can go on our first ride together as a family... Kid with me and her on the ninja.  Ya, that little monster on the ninja is our kid..
Diyracing.com Domain Gone
You have to love a women who can have a kid and bounce back like NOTHING happened...
Tell her that only 594 people have looked at it. I think I've looked at it the other 300 times.

Oh yeah, you'd better not post the R versions here. Captain and company are pretty strict about what types of material is allowed here. The board is supposed to be family oriented. If you want you can e-mail 'em to me and I can clean 'em up and post em up to www.uponone.com like I did this one. Just a heads up so you don't get zapped by the mods for postin' "inappropriate material".
Oh boy... Someone is going to get in trouble. hey the good news is the picture looks cute.