I guess it depends..Porsches are factory filled with the same Mobil 1 oil that we can buy, and Porsche even requires a fairly long break-in.
In that light I suggest that you follow @ColdBusa's advice and fill the engine with the high quality motorcycle oil that you use to maintain your bikes. Never again be distracted by the myth of "break-in oil."
Hopefully you identified the very specific reasons why the build did not work right, but those reasons do not include the oil selection. Oil cannot and will not prevent an engine from seating.
For a road style, brand new, built/rebuilt engine, I would never, ever use full syn on initial run or first use. It’s too slippery to allow full bedding of engine components.
99% of new cars come filled with syn oil because the engine has had the initial break in at the factory before being fitted to the car.