Please don't tar and feather me.

Yesterday I had the honor of seeing his CBR in person....OMG it looks like it weighs about 350 lbs.! And what a beautifully finished motorcycle, Honda really puts things together well. Raydog (the streetfighter man)
Two brothers exhaust is silky smooth on those. Resemble the stock a lot.
Posted via Mobile Device
No reason to hate. A buddy of mine went from his busa to a 09 cbr1000 repsol. I can say they made one bad 1k. But i like my Gsxr1k a lot better:thumbsup:
looks good bro!!! i really like my cbr600rr. i never thought it would keep my interest as a second bike, it does though. very fun to ride!!!:thumbsup:
Thanks for the comments everyone. The more I ride this bike the more I'm impressed. Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to do for some storage, not a lot of choices for a bike this small. I'm considering the Bagster setup and the Bagster Spider Tail Bag if it will fit.
Here's my Honda:laugh:
