I just bought this bike a couple of weeks ago and I love it. The previous owner had installed some Pro-Tek blue rear pegs. I was a little sketchy on how well I liked the color of them, and thought I may end up swapping them for silver or chrome. On Saturday, I received some Driven D3 grips that I had won on ebay. The pictures online made them look very deep blue, but alas, they look identical to these pegs. I haven't installed the grips yet. At first I was bummed they don't match the bike, but then I was somewhat pleased they at least match the pegs.
I want to get new pegs for the front to get a little more room. I was going to order the Buell pegs from Dennis, but having some Buell pegs of my own on a shelf, I ground them down to try them out, and my size 14 boot is hitting the midpipe, because they are too low. I'm now considering ordering some Pro-Tek pegs to put on the front as a happy medium as far as fitment goes.
Before I order, I'm trying to decide if I should order blue rider pegs to match everything else, order chrome, and try to trade the rear pegs and grips for silver or chrome ones, or order blue and have everything powder coated to match the bike.
Bottom line is, does the blue color on these pegs look stupid on this bike, or does it look good and I should ignore the fact that the blues don't match? My feelings won't be hurt either way. I'm wanting to get some honest opinions.
I want to get new pegs for the front to get a little more room. I was going to order the Buell pegs from Dennis, but having some Buell pegs of my own on a shelf, I ground them down to try them out, and my size 14 boot is hitting the midpipe, because they are too low. I'm now considering ordering some Pro-Tek pegs to put on the front as a happy medium as far as fitment goes.
Before I order, I'm trying to decide if I should order blue rider pegs to match everything else, order chrome, and try to trade the rear pegs and grips for silver or chrome ones, or order blue and have everything powder coated to match the bike.
Bottom line is, does the blue color on these pegs look stupid on this bike, or does it look good and I should ignore the fact that the blues don't match? My feelings won't be hurt either way. I'm wanting to get some honest opinions.