Please help ! - Going to buy an 09 tomorrow

Here's mine, the only problem I had was the clutch screws backing out but locktite fixed that, mine even came with a kid!:laugh::rofl:

May 2010 057.jpg
I just got a 09 a month ago brand new. very happy.
what is the clutch screw recall? have not heard of it.
I put a braided clutch line, aftermarket adjustable shorty levers, brocks clutch mod and brocks clutch cushion in it and like the clutch alot better.
Too jerky and graby stock. careful down shifting hard into a turn though with the sliper disabled.
I just got a 09 a month ago brand new. very happy.
what is the clutch screw recall? have not heard of it.
I put a braided clutch line, aftermarket adjustable shorty levers, brocks clutch mod and brocks clutch cushion in it and like the clutch alot better.
Too jerky and graby stock. careful down shifting hard into a turn though with the sliper disabled.

The dealer most likely already did yours but ask them anyway

DATE: 4/6/2009


CERTAIN GSX1300RK9 MODELS (See Affected Units on Page 2)

GSX1300R SERVICE MANUAL (P/N 99500-39350-03E)
GSX1300BK SERVICE MANUAL (P/N 99500-39321-03E)

Suzuki has received field reports of a light metallic "ticking" noise coming from the clutch
cover area on the right side of GSX1300RK8-K9 and GSX1300BKK8 model motorcycles. The
noise is most distinguishable when the engine is running at idle speed. The noise occurs when
a clutch spring support bolt 1 loosens from the clutch cam 2and allows the head of a clutch
spring bolt to come in contact with the clutch cover during engine operation. Typically, when
found on retail units this condition occurs at lower mileages.

Suzuki requires that the following procedure be completed on:
All new units prior to retail delivery
Retail units exhibiting the noise described above.

Clean the threads of the clutch spring support 1 G
bolts 1 and clutch cam 2. Apply thread lock
to the clutch spring support bolts and tighten
them to the specified torque. Install the
clutch cover using a new gasket and tighten
the cover bolts to the specified torque.

....: Thread lock cement 99000-32030
(Thread Lock Cement Super 1303 or

Affected Units

Model Specification Range
GSX1300RK9 E-03 JS1GX72A*92102653 and before
GSX1300RK9 E-33 JS1GX72A*92104270 and before

Warranty Information
Warranty claims will be accepted for new units and retail units within the original warranty
period. Use the following information to submit a regular warranty claim:

Causal Part 21481-24F30
Complaint Code 26
Defect Code 48
Labor Operation GA9999
Labor Time 1.0 hrs
I just got a 09 a month ago brand new. very happy.
what is the clutch screw recall? have not heard of it.
I put a braided clutch line, aftermarket adjustable shorty levers, brocks clutch mod and brocks clutch cushion in it and like the clutch alot better.
Too jerky and graby stock. careful down shifting hard into a turn though with the sliper disabled.

The bolts that hold the clutch assembly would back out because there wasnt any locktite on them!
I have 11000 miles on mine and the only prob I've had so for is the temp gauge. This is the first I've heard of a clutch recall.
I have a K8 no issues here..I have 10,4XX miles I love it best bike ever
Fastest color..

To be the Blue and Gold look is all business

Don't sweat the clutch. Tell the salesman If he will have the shop tec loctite the clutch bolts sold. I did mine and beat the hell out of it ever since, no problems. It is awesome and you are going to love it:thumbsup:
As stated before, have the dealer check the vin# to see if it falls in the service bulliten range for the clutch. There are two sets of vin#s in that bulliten, one is for Cali models and the other is for everyone else. My 09 was not affected and I haven't had a single issue with it yet.... except for the attention that it draws (get used to it).:thumbsup:
No problem, here to help.
You get the bike ?

So here is what happened this morning:

I was at the dealership this morning sharp at 9 am.
I confirm all the numbers and all the things that have to be done with the salesman and the service department (It took about 3.5 hours). I paid $200 deposit and the salesman and I went to the business manager's office to sort out the financing. The business manager enter the numbers and surprisingly computer came with different payment:banghead:. I got freaked out! Anyways make the story short, at the end the sales manager told me that the salesman made a mistake on calculations and here is what you have to pay!!!
The bi-weekly payment jumped from $78 (as I confirm with the salesman) to $95 !!!

Tonight, I'm sitting in a quiet coffee shop and thinking about all this. I almost had my bride. I am working on numbers now to see how it works then call them on Monday.

My soul is broken, and the imagination of me on the white/blue busa doesn't leave me.:cry::cry:

Thank you for all your support.
So here is what happened this morning:

I was at the dealership this morning sharp at 9 am.
I confirm all the numbers and all the things that have to be done with the salesman and the service department (It took about 3.5 hours). I paid $200 deposit and the salesman and I went to the business manager's office to sort out the financing. The business manager enter the numbers and surprisingly computer came with different payment:banghead:. I got freaked out! Anyways make the story short, at the end the sales manager told me that the salesman made a mistake on calculations and here is what you have to pay!!!
The bi-weekly payment jumped from $78 (as I confirm with the salesman) to $95 !!!

Tonight, I'm sitting in a quiet coffee shop and thinking about all this. I almost had my bride. I am working on numbers now to see how it works then call them on Monday.

My soul is broken, and the imagination of me on the white/blue busa doesn't leave me.:cry::cry:

Thank you for all your support.

NO you did the right thing! If the deal changed.... after you had it all worked out! I would raise the BS flag here! I hate itwhen a price was settled, and then after it all said and done. Its not the same! Crunch the numbers and see how much more or where their making more money off of you! You can always look at another place to make a deal! I did! I went 4.5hours away from my location to spend 1k's less! 11k for my busa otd...instead of local 12.6k and 13.4k otd from my local dealers!
So here is what happened this morning:

I was at the dealership this morning sharp at 9 am.
I confirm all the numbers and all the things that have to be done with the salesman and the service department (It took about 3.5 hours). I paid $200 deposit and the salesman and I went to the business manager's office to sort out the financing. The business manager enter the numbers and surprisingly computer came with different payment:banghead:. I got freaked out! Anyways make the story short, at the end the sales manager told me that the salesman made a mistake on calculations and here is what you have to pay!!!
The bi-weekly payment jumped from $78 (as I confirm with the salesman) to $95 !!!

Tonight, I'm sitting in a quiet coffee shop and thinking about all this. I almost had my bride. I am working on numbers now to see how it works then call them on Monday.

My soul is broken, and the imagination of me on the white/blue busa doesn't leave me.:cry::cry:

Thank you for all your support.

May I offer you this,

I had an '09 Gray/Silver Busa I bought in Dec '08. I read up about the Clutch bolt recall, on H.ORG, and even confirmed with the dealership that my S/N was out of the recall #'s.

I then put 15,500 miles on this bike in less than 11 months and with no regrets or complaints. It performed perfectly Until I totaled it in a very low speed low side accident.

I was so pleased with every aspect of the first bike, that I spent the next two months tracking down an identical twin.

When I finally found one, it turned out to be be an older S/N and needed the recall, according to the service bulletin.

I knew of this, and asked the service manager if it had been done, and he produced, on the spot, objective and recorded evidence that it had been performed, and gave me a paper copy.

I know exactly how you feel about not getting the bike you thought was yours, I had Three of these slip through my hands because of Ins Co. dragging their comprehensive feet. (Whole nother story).

Any way, Point is, keep looking and I am sure you will find the bike that is right for you, or she will find you.

Thanks for the ear,
Stay patient bro. It's obvious you know exactly what you want (which wasn't the case for me unfortunately), so no sense in rushing into it. It's still pretty early in the season, but IMO probably the worst time to be looking for a bike.
The only advice that I can offer from my experience is that I've had distant dealerships that claimed a nice low sale price online and find a way to escalate it to what they want eventually in the end. They can "sell" you the bike for $10K and add on whatever dealership/assembly fees they wish. I had a friend get told a price over the phone, got the check cut from the bank for the exact amount, had the price change several hundred if not close to a thousand b/c of some BS dealer fees when he gets there. Ended up wasting time, money, and ended up buying from the first place anyway. I'm sure this goes without saying, but before you travel, be sure to get an out the door price (in writing and faxed if possible).

It seems that this time of the year it's a little tougher to get deals from a dealership. The economy is getting a little better, tax returns are coming in, etc. Everyone and their mother is on a bike right now, and they know it. Don't know if it was due to the economy (I know I used it for an excuse a couple years ago to get one cuz I was sick of filling up the SUV) or simply a fad coming back around. I don't know if the scarcity of the 10's helps the matter either. Good luck.
2008 Custom Built Hayabusa invested over 42k to build this bike for bike shows or if you want to ride a real eye catching bike here it is has front and rear go-pro cameras and rear view sony vision all the chrome work is done by All Things Chrome, has custom skull exstream rims battier tender,custom made dice mirrors to match the 9k air bruch piant job it has NOS on the bike but is not connect to the injection system we installed it for show but I do have the complete kit if you want to finsh installing it, there was nothing missed on this build it is stretched out 9 over in the rear has a zzz chrome chain this bike has only 2,400 mile on it and has never been raced it is always put on a trilaer to shows the miles on this bike is mainly from dyno tuning and is always garage kept and coverd up I will also give the factory Hayabusa bike cover , one Helmet,and a Hayabusa Jacket size XL and all the stock parts that are left over from the build I am asking $25,000 for this bike or best offer has a 5 yr extra warranty that can be transferred over to new owner if you go to a deal and buy a stock 2010 they are running in the prices of 16k plus taxs,lic,and docking fees plus the finance this bike needs nothing done to it there is so much to list I just don’t have the room more info available call 909-975-9270 can e-mail you more pic if you want





:hijack: ^^^^^^^^^ :lol:

Nice bike tho. He's trying to negotiate another $30 a month...ur askin 25K. :lol:
Ryan relax .
I was mgr for Lincoln Mercury for many yrs listen to me .
You were there at 9 am sharp per your words , right ?
Salesman and mgr saw your eagerness .
You have prolly asked them forty questions already which yu have right to do so but they saw most likely you had already taken mental ownership of the bike .
Oldest trick in the book .
They sat you down and went for the 'bump' in F&I is all .
Simple and plain old trick , dirty yes very but every day tactic in dealerships no matter the brand .
You did great and if I was salesman or mgr at store I'd be pissed cuz finance mgr was weak , couldn't close you and even worse let you walk !
When you balked did mgr not try to save the deal ?
nada ?
They tried you on is all , you said no , they should have made the deal on your terms .
period .
plain and simple .
Sorry but usually nowadays up front the numbers are out in open and very competitive sale wise but F&I is diff . once you get in there every store is diff.
You may qualify for 8% interest and they will ad 'points' or percent to increase gross .
A mistake was made BULLPUCKY .
Know why ?
Because no F&I mgr worth anything will begin to print or work a deal with 'mistakes' in it .
That paperwork better be perfect or it ain't gettin processed it ain't getting printed and it ain't getting 'hung' meaning it won't happen .
They tried you on and you did the right thing by walking out .
DO NOT CALL THEM BACK , repeat do not call them back.
They will call you I promise .
When they do now it's your turn to play games .
'um no I can't really come back in because I have an appt at another dealer . Sounds to me like the numbers are even better so I don't know how you could have made mistake '
is exactly what you say and thank him and hang up .
Wait a bit hopfully if they are worth their salt salesman will complain to mgr and mgr will call you .
This is when you cry and whine and express how smashed and pissed you are .
Again when he asks you to come back you tell him you have an appt at another dealer .
This is when mgr will have to make decision on whether or not to give salesmans commission away , F&I points away and give bike away .
If he doesn't offer you better than orignal numbers don't go back at all .
Find another dealership .

I used to sign off on over 300 deals a month .
Most went smooth as silk cuz they were savvy old folks writing a check in full .
Others it was easy to see eagerness and as mgr my General mgr used to make me try folks on , sorry just the nature of the beast .
F&I should not have let you walk or leave the store cuz your rubbed wrong and now it's gonna cost them to get you back at least another 500 is what I would start off saying when mgr asks 'what's it gonna take to get you back , sir?'

Is there not another store around you you can go shop at ?
While all dealers attempt to make $ some will still treat you right from get go and be up front with the figures .

Sorry for the long post but I lived your day today for ten yrs .
Hated it cuz it's not how I am by nature at all.