^^not yet i have been pretty busy with alot of other things
e-racer im on my way to O'Riley's they have the ngk cr9e aka 6263 for 3.39 and 5 in stock im good to go on that end now just crossing my fingers hoping that will fix the problem
Just on a side note, That 93 Octane really isnt doing you any good. She will run just as good on 87
Just to clarify, using higher octane doesnt bother anything except your wallet. A higher octane rating is the fuels ability to withstand the tendency toward pre-ignition from excessive cylinder heat caused by any number of normal (compression, etc) or abnormal (low coolant level, etc) things.sounds like you have fouled a plug or two. change the plugs and use 87 octane don't waste the money on 93. The bike is tuned from the factory to run just fine on 87