Please keep my friend in your prayers

A little more info on my friend, he's on a respirator he has head trauma try tried taking him off the respirator but he couldn't breathe on his own and was placed back on it he's in and out, don't know at this point. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers I will keep you posted. And no he wasn't wearing a helmet, he was riding around a few blocks from his house. You just never know.
Jeeze, the choices we make eh? Does he have family there with him atleast?

Waiting for more....
I'm so sorry to hear :down: I hope he pulls through. Prayers sent; please keep us posted...
Update: They're going to try and take him off the respirator Friday, and if he can't breathe on his own they're going to do a trakeotomy. His skull is cracked in three places and they had to remove a portion of his brain on the right side, Doctors said he could go either way. Seems to respond to voices, he could squeeze your hand. If you're not wearing a helmet when you ride you should see my friend, I think it would give you second thoughts. Again thanks for all of your prayers he definetly needs them.
Thanks for the update. I went to see BentValve when he was in Harborview in Seattle. He did have a good helmet on, and his brain still took a beating. Helmets can only do so much, but James would have died on impact without his.
That's just such a bad situation. Does his family need anything? I mean insurance covering this treatment.. etc?
Yes he's fully covered, He retired from KCPD (he was a mechanic) with benefits also his wife is an RN. I haven't seen his bike, but from what I hear he wheelied and the bike flipped and he hit the back of his head.