age is a terrible thing to waste..
And youth is wasted on the young
age is a terrible thing to waste..
You know I think there was a time you would have cared less.... in fact you might have even helped out with the mess... Kids, life, responsibility sure has a weird effect on people huh?
age is a terrible thing to waste..
Y'all approve of the way these kids were acting? This is why "kids" act the way they do.. they have been left to run loose and have no RESPECT for elders (or themselves)... i think it is about time someone stands up to them... WTG Scott!
It's not about Scott's temper or FEAR... it's about putting CHILDREN back in their place... everyone complains about how people act today.. it's because we BOW DOWN to them! (Afraid what will happen to US if a child is DISCIPLINED)
Okay... irate teacher climbing down off of her soap box... summer vacation starts in 1 1/2 days
So throwing a soda can on the grass isn't acceptable, but throwing a handful of change in the road is?
Brilliant lesson you taught your daughter there genius.........
I'm not gonna pretend to be all holier-than-thou, and while I understand your reaction (may even have done the same thing myself), it would prolly have been better to go pick the trash up and put it in the can, then explained to your girl that some people don't know how to raise well-mannered children.
Oh and it's never a good plan to try and punk out a bunch of teens in a car when you have your kid with ya. Never know who is packing what nowadays............
It's not about Scott's temper or FEAR... it's about putting CHILDREN back in their place... everyone complains about how people act today.. it's because we BOW DOWN to them! (Afraid what will happen to US if a child is DISCIPLINED)
plate # and constant littering complaints to the local pd...let the fines do the work for you...the rules rarely help out the "good guy" it seems.???