Pledge use for cleaning


Peace Keeper or Ban Hammer-it's up to you; IDMBT#9
Staff member
Well brothers and sisters... I have (for the most part) stayed out of the pledge debate - but while walking through Walmart today, I say a can sitting at the checkout counter and bought it on impulse. I will see how well it shines and stinks up Bessie and will post a review and pics of the results. I figure I can't speak up in "PledgeGate" unless I am coming from an informed opinion... More to follow...
Make sure you use a micro fiber cloth when "pledging" your busa! Helps prevent streaks. Habor freight has them for cheap too. Just cut off the manifuctor's tag off the rag if it has one. It will scratch the paint.
I went to the extreme and took every piece of plastic off of my bike then Pledged the frame and each individual piece before reassembling. Then I wiped her down again. Borderline obsessive compulsive I know but it looks good :thumbsup:
I've thought about trying Pledge, but my Father told me, "Son, there's three things real men will never purchase in a store, Hallmark cards, feminine protection,* and furniture polish."


* He didn't use the term "feminine protection" but I've paraphrased his actual quote for the G rated sensibilities of the .org. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
I went to the extreme and took every piece of plastic off of my bike then Pledged the frame and each individual piece before reassembling. Then I wiped her down again. Borderline obsessive compulsive I know but it looks good :thumbsup:

I know the feeling! It's addicting! Spray! Wipe! Clean! .... oooh another spot! Spray! Wipe! Clean!.... and oooohh so SHINEY!:laugh:
Hand buff with TurtleWax ICE Liquid claybar if you have any swirls developing--then use ICE paste polish. Softens away the swirls. After a couple buffs, smooths the surface more level than factory paint ever was. The more times you buff, the more mirror-like it gets. Very good activity for the obessessive/compulsive winter time blues. Take your fairings in the shower with you to wash them off first. Very sexy experience.:laugh:
Have you noticed they now actually have that in their commercials? They have a "different uses for pledge" commercial now.
I have seen enough people comment and refuse that I figured on impulse I would try... I have had people ask me what I thought and I can't answer if I haven't tried it... I got caught up with some stuff today, so I didn't do the whole scoot, just the rear wheel. Tomorrow, the fairings will go back on and I will do the rest then.
I've found the absolute best way to get my bike sparkling clean is to simply park it in CCbusa05's (Jimbo's) garage... Why do I need to be obsessive compulsive about a clean bike when he is already...
i have to say this is the 1st i've heard of using pledge to polish a bike,it's both tempting and intetresting:laugh: but i have one question though does it protect against rain drops? or should i ask,does it bead water and last awhile? also i'd love to see MORE pleadged bikes to motivate me to try it on mine.
Here is one all pleaged up. Looks good to me :laugh:
