Politics and the truth..near the two shall meet

Talk about suffering from delusions lol
Yes... most druggies don't think they have a problem either... the media doesn't think they have a problem either... and that is about as laughable as it gets... the way the press has behaved in recent years is nothing short of delusional. Just listen to the leading of the questions as spoken to the Press Secretary and others and its amazing those idiots even have press credentials. I love the way the Press Secretary use to put those useful idiots in their place... she was really good at it... and they just couldn't shake her no matter how idiotic they became. The rank hypocrisy by the press was simply the work of people that had no business even being involved in media news companies. Even Bezos when he bought the Washington Compost assigned 20 reporters to do nothing other than look for dirt and write anything nasty they could come up with about president Trump... yeah... no bias at the Compost, right Comrade?
There is a vast difference in driving a vehicle than having a gun. Same as there is a vast difference in their intent-a gun's sole purpose is to kill whereas a vehicle's intended purpose is for transportation.

For someone to die by a gun, there has to be some sort of either negligence or malicious intent. To die by vehicle there are many variables but generally it is by accident.

Am I fearful in driving or riding my bike-your darned right I am....I operate them both defensively and offensively sometimes both at once. (knock on wood) it has served me well all these years.

A border wall won't stop any sort of illegal persons from entering or exiting the US. There have been vast tunnel networks discovered along the border...if they can do that, they can do almost anything.

Add to this the corruptness of the border agents who were recently discovered to be smuggling people and narcotics across the border and you have a much larger problem than just a wall not being finished.
Look at the shooting density factor... My guess is you never go to parts of town where they bad guys do business after dark. Most places are pretty safe when you avoid the ones that are known to be a problem... however... as my retired Orange County California detective says... the shiitt goes on everywhere because people think they won't get caught. A rich neighborhood or a poor one... people still kill and maim each other when the opportunity and motivation exist.

Now... as far as riding goes... you will have your moments of potential danger... however... space is your friend... I spend as much time as I find nessasary getting into open spaces where I can see the road better and have more time to solve potential problems by riding defensively.

The border wall isn't a naked wall... they have sensors where they can detect tunneling. In fact... we really don't need a wall at all. With the right sensor system nobody can get through without being detected. However... the wall will stop the less determined and sophisticated. The wall can stop somebody a 1000 miles away when they believe there is no way around it just by looking at it on TV. Illegal aliens are not the sharpest tools in the drawer.

Yes, we have corrupt border agents... we also have a corrupt president and VP... so... what else is new?

The problems of this entire world are not going to be solved by the people running it now. The Marxist have no real motivation to fix anything... for them the installing of a new administration through a corrupt election makes the world whole again... the political graft machinery that was slowed during the last presidency will grab 2 gears worth of over drive and subvert the US Treasury with political graft like the kind that make crooks drool.

Follow what doesn't happen to Klinesmith now... the attorney that altered an email that changed the course of the investigation into Carter Page where he was accused of being a Russian spy. Klinesmith has nothing to worry about now... Even though he pleaded guilty it will all go away now... just watch...
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There is a vast difference in driving a vehicle than having a gun. Same as there is a vast difference in their intent-a gun's sole purpose is to kill whereas a vehicle's intended purpose is for transportation.

In the twenty years I have lived in the US, never killed anything with my gun.

Any ride on the Busa, I seem to kill numerous bugs, twice squirrels and once a rabbit.

Then there was the deer I killed on my Harley.

Some of us use our guns for recreation. I reload and love playing with ballistics. Don’t have the heart to hunt any more.

True, but just yankin your chain. :-)

In the twenty years I have lived in the US, never killed anything with my gun.

Any ride on the Busa, I seem to kill numerous bugs, twice squirrels and once a rabbit.

Then there was the deer I killed on my Harley.

Some of us use our guns for recreation. I reload and love playing with ballistics. Don’t have the heart to hunt any more.

True, but just yankin your chain. :-)
Yes... not much for hunting these days... My shooting buddies and I use to be hell on the pigeons where I lived on a farm in Minnesota back in the early 70s. One day a friend shot a sparrow out of the air with a 22... at that point I felt something wasn't right... so... when I see big game shot dead recently while the hunter poses with the trophy his big gun brought down... well... it really ain't that kool.

However... real bow hunters... the kind I went to Alaska one time with.... those guys matched wits with the deer they use to hunt... not to mention the wild boars they shot in other states where they hunted. These guys were good... they could split arrows at 20 yards and out scored the St Paul Police departments best pistol shooters at an indoor range. Bob Cerney was his name... he is still around but haven't talked to him in decades.

Killed a deer with a Harley... ? A deer almost killed me on my 84 V65 Sabre one time...

Some people call deer.... forest rats
Yes... not much for hunting these days... My shooting buddies and I use to be hell on the pigeons where I lived on a farm in Minnesota back in the early 70s. One day a friend shot a sparrow out of the air with a 22... at that point I felt something wasn't right... so... when I see big game shot dead recently while the hunter poses with the trophy his big gun brought down... well... it really ain't that kool.

However... real bow hunters... the kind I went to Alaska one time with.... those guys matched wits with the deer they use to hunt... not to mention the wild boars they shot in other states where they hunted. These guys were good... they could split arrows at 20 yards and out scored the St Paul Police departments best pistol shooters at an indoor range. Bob Cerney was his name... he is still around but haven't talked to him in decades.

Killed a deer with a Harley... ? A deer almost killed me on my 84 V65 Sabre one time...

Some people call deer.... forest rats
I use to hunt every year when I lived in South Africa. Ate everything I hunted. Have to track, get the wind direction right, not allowed to hunt at water holes and once all conditions are met, the stalking starts until a safe shot is possible.

Tried hunting here in VA once at Coppermine which is a club. Sat waiting in a plastic hut up in a tree and decided that is not for me. Never hunted again.

Here is a pic of my business partner, in his backyard about 2 miles from my house.

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I use to hunt every year when I lived in South Africa. Ate everything I hunted. Have to track, get the wind direction right, not allowed to hunt at water holes and once all conditions are met, the stalking starts until a safe shot is possible.

Tried hunting here in VA once at Coppermine which is a club. Sat waiting in a plastic hut up in a tree and decided that is not for me. Never hunted again.

Here is a pic of my business partner, in his backyard about 2 miles from my house.

View attachment 1631602
I used to hunt but after a while I gave that up...

I can't remember a time I didn't have some sort of rifle in my hands....even as a lad I had a .22 Marlin lever action I carried everywhere on our farm. I couldn't imagine putting that in the hands of a 10 yr old today.

Then along came the military where I lived with my rifle, spent a lot of time with it and hunted the ultimate game in several different countries....

Was into long distance shooting for a while and still have that platform although I seldom do any shooting any more.
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I used to hunt but after a while I gave that up...

I can't remember a time I didn't have some sort of rifle in my hands....even as a lad I had a .22 Marlin lever action I carried everywhere on our farm. I couldn't imagine putting that in the hands of a 10 yr old today.

Then along came the military where I lived with my rifle, spent a lot of time with it and hunted the ultimate game in several different countries....

Was into long distance shooting for a while and still have that platform although I seldom do any shooting any more.
Sounds like a great experience!!!
BTW, I did military as well, two years full time and then a week here, a month there, occasionally three months for twenty eight years. It was not a career, not voluntary, rather compulsory for all of us. Was in contact a few times against Soviets in Angola. It was a long time ago. It sure changes ones life in terms of discipline and structure. Weird though, I don’t recall any of us ever suffering from PTSD, even those who had it really bad during contact.
Sounds like a great experience!!!
BTW, I did military as well, two years full time and then a week here, a month there, occasionally three months for twenty eight years. It was not a career, not voluntary, rather compulsory for all of us. Was in contact a few times against Soviets in Angola. It was a long time ago. It sure changes ones life in terms of discipline and structure. Weird though, I don’t recall any of us ever suffering from PTSD, even those who had it really bad during contact.
I did 33 yrs, all voluntary and was a career...I would have done more but my next promotion came with another posting away from home...had enough so I retired.

If you have PTSD, you never recall having it...I had (have) it and it was my wife who noticed it and got me into therapy....once I was in therapy, the signs became more evident to me.

Your experiences would be interesting to hear sometime...
I did 33 yrs, all voluntary and was a career...I would have done more but my next promotion came with another posting away from home...had enough so I retired.

If you have PTSD, you never recall having it...I had (have) it and it was my wife who noticed it and got me into therapy....once I was in therapy, the signs became more evident to me.

Your experiences would be interesting to hear sometime...
You can Google the South African border war. We basically fought the PLAN who had their support from the Soviet Union and China. The Soviets trained Cubans and Locals for the war and had Soviet advisors present. The South African Defense Force had the objective of supporting those in the civil war against a socialist take over.

The mainly Cuban and local trained forces were no match for the equipment, skills and courage of the SADF. The war ended when the Soviet Union was no longer perceived as a threat.
I'm not sure who was more delusional bush or Trump I not convinced either one was sane
Yes, cutting taxes, increasing security at the border, creating opportunity zones inside inner cities, having other countries pay their fair share for NATO protection, cutting better trade conditions with Mexico and Canada and no new wars during those 4 years.... yeah... that is what you call delusional... hmmmm...

What would you call normal thinking for a president?

Bush... total puppet for the globalist and Neocons... a liar about all things around 9-11... how do I know? Look at the time that Cheney and Bush had to answer questions about 9-11 WITHOUT going under oath...
You have to be delusional to think they wouldn't lie to those posing the questions.

Just learned that Biden says to release all illegal aliens in the custody of ICE. Stop all deportations and let the criminals go free regardless whether or not they have a sponcer. 14,175 total... 71% are violent criminals or have criminal charges pending against them.

Now... that is what I call delusional.... tell me... if you were president is that what you would do?

I say let em out and put bounties on them.
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On second thought... take those 14,000+ illegal aliens and send them to DC to hang out with the rest of the criminals that are taking down this country by killing millions of jobs as fast as they can. We are approaching 4 million lost jobs in 3 days... yeah... Orange Man Bad.... and XiBiden? Well... he is the best thing to have been installed that this country has ever seen since the country was founded... right comrades?
So... do you think the points I made were exaggerated? As we look back now during these last few years the mission by the marxist / communist cabal of losers is self evident.
There is just so much information floating around out there and not all of it factual that your question can't be honestly answered....
Yes, cutting taxes
For the rich

How about the sham university, abusing women, racist comments, criminal action… is that normal thinking for a president?

The democrats came up with an option. The republicans didn’t.
For the rich

How about the sham university, abusing women, racist comments, criminal action… is that normal thinking for a president?

The democrats came up with an option. The republicans didn’t.
Staying stuck in the left / right/ pub dem/ red blue illusion I see... I thought you said you liked Carlin... you must have forgotten the truths he told us years ago.
I do like Carlin. Biden and Trump were terrible options. One of them is still there.
You calling me partisan is beyond belief.
I do like Carlin. Biden and Trump were terrible options. One of them is still there.
You calling me partisan is beyond belief.
You forget the past is the past... you can't change it. So, moving forward in linear time... who has the best policies that can move America into the timeline where America is restored on all the levels that matter?

All you do is drag around the past like it's going to impact your future. Trump out performed for America several times over as compared to the train wreck this administration has turned into. You forget how many political hacks are sold out to the rich people that are telling them what to do, what to say and how to vote on certain bills.

If you and I were cabinet members in any administration we would debate things forever... however... when you understand the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and how they act as guardrails for diplomacy and legislation you quickly understand how far off the rails we have gone.

Exhibit # 1. A country must have sovereign borders that protect a country from invading populations. If you don't have that, you will eventually lose your country. This is why the leftist marxist communist in politics that want illegal aliens to have the right to vote are traitors to this country... They want to willfully break the law and then call those that oppose that right to vote racist as well other names. It's so juvenile and destructive and yet some of the brainwashed masses actually agree with it. The politicians that support it are saboteurs of America and should resign.
So, moving forward in linear time... who has the best policies that can move America into the timeline where America is restored on all the levels that matter?
The difference is what metters. To me it's decency and integrity. Harris hands down.
Trump out performed for America several times over as compared to the train wreck this administration has turned into.
Out performed how? Trump inherited a strong economy. Biden inherited a pandemic mess.
when you understand the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and how they act as guardrails for diplomacy and legislation you quickly understand how far off the rails we have gone.
I understand them perfectly. That's why I can't stand Trump.
This is why the leftist marxist communist in politics that want illegal aliens to have the right to vote are traitors to this country... They want to willfully break the law and then call those that oppose that right to vote racist as well other names
You'll be spewing the supposed connection between immigrants and crime until your dying breath, no matter what the actual facts and statistics show.
The difference is what metters. To me it's decency and integrity. Harris hands down.

Out performed how? Trump inherited a strong economy. Biden inherited a pandemic mess.

I understand them perfectly. That's why I can't stand Trump.

You'll be spewing the supposed connection between immigrants and crime until your dying breath, no matter what the actual facts and statistics show.
You must look good in rose tinted glasses while wearing earmuffs inside the house of mirrors at the Carnival.

Harris has integrity? Did you borrow that line from a comedian? Willie Brown ( a married man ) knows all about Kamala...

Trump kick started a sluggish economy... 08 to 015 were not exactly stellar years for the economy. The first thing that happened in 08 was the to big to fail banks got bailed out with more treasury debt borrowed from the Federal ( anything but ) Reserve. The only real reason the FED has any money is because they have the power to create currency out of nothing and charge interest on it. The Fed is the Bank's bank. The big banks own the Fed. The interest is where the Fed makes their money. The Fed's BANK CHARTER is what gives them the power to create fiat in any form it chooses. Add to that they can buy the bonds the Treasury issues and make interest money on top of it. Yes, you read that right... the FED can buy its own loaned out fiat when converted to a Bond. You don't understand banking and likely never will. It is a big Ponzi scheme that can only go in one direction.... print more fiat, put more debt on the ledger and continue the debt cycle until the world loses faith in the dollar... I don't think you see the winds of change in terms of the dollars strength shifting downward right now... do you?

The mortgage bubble crash and TARP was a rug pull combined with other deceptive financial instruments like falsely over rated credit default swaps and derivatives that put the whole world in a financial bind. This is why Lehman Bros, Bears Stern and AIG ( insurance ) collapsed from the leveraged debt that Wall Street was betting heavily on. Just watch Hollywood's version... The Big Short... maybe then you can understand what really happened.

You have TDS... unfortunately no known cure is available... no jab, no anti venom, no vaccine will fix it. No matter who gets to be president the solution for our debt will come from private industry if it comes from anywhere. One thing for sure... the answer to our debt problem will never come from the Federal government. The Federal Government is the problem because of the corrupt nature of the people that control with those that actually flip the levers of power.

So crime isn't happening with illegals that have entered out country illegally? That is rich in absurdity... you are blind.