Thanks guys, any day you get to ride with your dad is all good.
Bags are Corbins and he loves them. No problems at all, even at 150mph
Icemann- Marietta, OH is right. (Any idea on the winning lotto #s?)
He owns "The Boat Shop" off I-77 at exit 6. Good riding around there, he says stop
in next time your in the area.
Poppy- not sure on the mount, he got it for Christmas. Don't even notice it's there
when riding.
I like the ZX9 too. I'm getting used to the Busa more everyday, but still like the 9.
I think I want to sell it and get a Gixxer 6 for some track days.
Loco- we rode quads for years, whole lotta fun. We rode all night more times than I can remember.
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