Possible mini ride, Org meet in Oklahoma.

Twotone, Semi, Macon454, and Thapp are back home. Waiting on Demmym, jetsetter, Uncle Steve and Cap and Mojo Magic to let us know you are home safe. Good ride today guys, pics will be coming. Need a shower and some food first.

Jetsetter is home. Had a blast today, looking forward to Eureka.

Gotta go get my little boy from his grandma's house now. :beerchug:
CAps home.... I left Steve locked in a bathroom stall at a truckstop on I40.... Who wants to go let him out?
Just sharing some pics of the incredible day we had today, Not in any order, I liked the first one the best so it is first.


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i have to say that Mrs. Twotonevert is the hostess with the mostest!

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Awesome pics guys, here are mine. We had lunch Friday on the River in Jenks. Nothing like good Mexican food, and a few beers. And no.........we werent on the bikes. :thumbsup:

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Leaving the house this morning. Sorry if we missed anyone, we left voice mails and waited till 8:15 to leave. The weather was perfect!

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At the lodge, everyone was sporting a great hair doo likes Steves! Well, those that had hair anyway. :whistle:

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