Possible mini ride, Org meet in Oklahoma.

You should ride the "pig trail" over in Arkansas. Absolutely amazing and beautiful. Take swimsuits to jump in the swimming hole just off the road. If you go to the end of pavement, turn left, go 1 block on gravel road, the most awesome little restaurant is there. The cook is about 80 with no teeth but OMG, the food. The name of the little place is Catalpa, AR.

Arkansas Pig Trail: Arkansas Motorcycle Rides
Great info, I really would like to visit Arkansas,seems beautiful, looking for property,great info..
wish I could...hopefully this time around it will be dry:thumbsup:just on the other side of the queen willamena lodge, the road is pretty cool (if you lika da twisty stuff) have fun & be safe:beerchug:


Come on Omar, let me know what time you want to come in. I can take off early if need be. :beerchug:

I've got it penciled in on my calendar ;) I'll probably head down after work on Friday... I'll have to give Hal a holla...see if he needs a break :whistle:
Ok, I am starting a list.

Semi----------------staying at the house
Omar---------------staying at the house
Shane +1?---------staying at the house
Demmym----------what you doing Michael?
Mojo Magic?
Guys Im sending out PMs to make sure the guys on the Okla. list see this thread, If you get the PM and have already responded to the thread please disregard said PM :laugh: