Post good news here


Donating Member
Sick of the "news", hate the media permenant downward spiral. Post up some GOOD NEWS with links and/or blow your horn with a story about the last good deed you did for someone.

I brought treats for my whole department, like I do every Wednesday and people just love it! That makes me feel good, making a bunch happy all at once
I just had a $50k fine imposed on the company I work for. Oh wait, you said a good deed. Sorry
A good deed.....

I successfully contained my composure and did not commit homicide when my project manager said we (my development team) need to implement “XYZ and 123â€￾ ASAP after I told him 2 months ago and reminded him 1 month ago that we need to implement “XYZ and 123â€￾ before we’re sorry.

Yes, we are presently sorry….except I don’t care and don’t mind saying I told you so.
My good news every day are my kids smiles...had a rough morning with my oldest and I've missed them both all day...can't wait to see them.

The little girl in the pic is their best bud, Sam is in the middle and the blonde on the right is my little David...

My good news every day are my kids smiles...had a rough morning with my oldest and I've missed them both all day...can't wait to see them.  

The little girl in the pic is their best bud, Sam is in the middle and the blonde on the right is my little David...
Good lookin kids M. Just took my baby girl to Preschool-first day. Dont know if that's good news yet. Makes me feel old
My good news every day are my kids smiles...had a rough morning with my oldest and I've missed them both all day...can't wait to see them.  

The little girl in the pic is their best bud, Sam is in the middle and the blonde on the right is my little David...
Good lookin kids M.  Just took my baby girl to Preschool-first day.  Dont know if that's good news yet.  Makes me feel old up some new pics of your little ones; that daughter of yours and her red hair are just adorable...

You wait 'til Kindergarten!
It's tough to send them off out in to the big world...but, they have so much fun!

My wife is going away to Vegas with the gurls till next tuesday!

She needs a break!
here you go, with a little help I got pics now.
Zoey's first bike.
thanks, as a side note the reflections off the clouds mess with the lens and seems to have blocked out some of my hair, it's not really thinning as it appears. Really!!
lets see... as of mid June this year...

lady was stuck in Massachusetts... didnt know anyone around hartford, bike broke on a sunday night.. needed help.... i went back home and got my car/trailer, went back up (1.5 hrs each way), took her and her bike back home. older lady, about 60 maybe. didnt take her money, told her to help someone in need.

i crashed my bike, the guy who was behind me when i crashed gave me a smoking deal on repainting everything.

friend crashed his bike, picked it up from the wrecker, brought it to my garage, and am in the process of fixing it once i get the rest of the parts.

various free work for friends on their bikes

sister gradauted college last week... i am graduating in december

got a deal on a nice HMF exhaust from a guy on

made some great friends this summer, but the sad news is i lost 2 on 2 wheels.

many other things, what goes around comes around ;)
The VP just bought everyone in the office tickets to the Grand Prix of Sonoma Indy Car race for this weekend. If that wan't enough as he is handing me 5 tickets he says by the way I have Porkys BBQ being being flown in for Friday for every one - HAPPY DANCE.
Here is the little one that makes my day, my 16 month old daughter, Rowan Marie.

She just has to put on my boots as soon as I get home!

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That is the funniest picture! The boots are as big as she is!
She's adorable