Post the ugliest busa you can find here

Bleh, too much orange. :laugh:

boy i'd really fly off the back of that "murdered busa" :laugh: and the dragon bike is cool. what's with the tv in the fairing like that? bike probably never gets up to operating temp or that tv wouldn't last long.:laugh: i like form and function. something that looks good and can still be rode daily
That pink bedazzled one is pretty bad but this last one with the saddle seats and fender skirts..has to be the winner!!!!!!

in the attempted show Busa bike build section!!..Im sure there's some beat pos out there but those had lots of money spent making them that ulgy!!!
scared of wheelies? how about a 5' stretch. :rofl:

:superman:and i gotta stick up for the Texas Busa guy! he rode from Texas to Prudhoe Bay Alaska on that thing. yea he's a little rough on it, but he sure is not afraid to get out and ride it! :bowdown:
the duct tape is an impromptu windscreen extension made out of a beer box taped on the bike, up over the mirrors for a little extra coverage.
if i lived in Texas i might even like the paint. but its not that bad, for a Texan.
:fight: don't hack on rough lookin bike :poke: til you know how/why it got that way.
Texas to Prudhoe bay and back in 16 days, Father and Son excursion. - Page 3 - ADVrider
:glare: sorry, i just had to stick up for this guy, he's one of my freakin heros:bowdown:

:poke: besides, the ugliest Busa is the wrecked Busa!:rulez:

wrecked busa.jpg