Post your Christmas Gifts here.

Is that red and green the Grinch model?

Oh and PAGE

Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every now and then :beerchug:

santa caan bite my ass, he brought my wife mobilization orders to the door just before we were leaving to the now the wife is activated and being deployeed.......... screw xmass:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
As usual hubby bought me Victoria's Secret...... NO I'm not posting pics. :laugh: Other stuff too, but VS is the most important! :cheerleader:
no real pics yet but finally got a REAL dremel kit not harbor freight crap lol. Now I gotta buy the dremel drill press & i'll be SET to make some led boards
santa caan bite my ass, he brought my wife mobilization orders to the door just before we were leaving to the now the wife is activated and being deployeed.......... screw xmass:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

That stinks! My friends just had the same thing happen. In their 1.5 years of being married, they have been together 3 months. sadness...hopefully it is a quick deployment!
Oh...and Jefferycarman got me a themed gift. I got three Pirate treasure chests. (I am SUCH a pirate!) Then, in one was my jammies (christmas eve tradition)...the second was black bracelets...and the third was my REAL treasure chest. I got earrings AND gold dollars. It really did look like a treasure chest. Originally, he was going to creat a treasure map and have me search for my gifts, but it didn't work out due to us being sort of snowed in...

Jeff got a couple of movies, two new Chuck Palahniuk books (the writer of fight club, Jeff's favorite author - one is his personal tour of our area, the other is signed), two movies and a snowblower mask to fit under his helmet for his winter riding. (Yeah, he rides in everything but the snow) Christine scored a ton of clothes and books and a cute backpack!
Dan and I don't exchange gifts since we get things for each other all year. But the kids did pretty well. Boys got games and our daughter got a Nuvi 260 and movies. She made gifts for everyone this year. I got a picture frame accented with rose canes and vines from our yard and the picture is one she took of a peach blossom from our tree. She made a beautiful komono for our youngest son and a shadow box for Dan to display the flies he ties.

Now, we're just lounging around in our jammies (yes, I know it's past noon) and enjoying the time together. Except our daughter, she was guilted into driving across the Metroplex to spend the rest of the day with her father's family...even though she's spent the past 2 xmases with them. It wouldn't bother me if it was her idea, but the fact that they call and nag her, bugs me.