post your custom painted single color busa's


i have been lurking on here for a while reading and learning about the busa with plans to get one soon. i was planning on getting the 05 LE but my income tax return check is 2 weeks away and i am hearing the 05 LE wont be available till may .

so now i am planning on getting an 04 or 05 busa and painting it one color (the 2 tone dont do it for me)
i was thinking maybe a metallic grey like the one on the 05 black and gray

i would greatly appreciate if i could see some photos of re painted solid color Busa's

thanks in advance

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gm1300... check out the picture session of this site bro, there are a lot of single tone busa pictures posted there
I'm with you bro, I think the solid color busa's are the shid. Monsterspeedfreak's yellow busa rocks and someone on here has there's painted a solid matte silver...just bad.

Check the galleries while your waiting for folks to post'll find some good stuff.
If you are going to buy an 04 and then paint it the color of the 05 LE, I think it would be best to wait for the 05. Just put that tax money in a whole in the ground (figuratively speeking). That way you'll same money for mods and have a warrenty too! The wait will be worth it!
Not custom painted, but a solid color and the thing that attracted me to the Busa.

thanks guys , very nice bikes please keep em coming. im goanna go search for that solid matte silver mentioned above ..