

Donating Member
This winter will see my bike's plastics getting fixed (from the attempted theft) and painted. I want it back to the stock color, but have heard horror stories about places not being able to do so. Has anyone had good luck with the color matching? Where did you order the stock paint?

Like my sig says, I have an 05 LE (solid grey with flake) so any help will be much appreciated.
What do you think? Pretty close. My painter wanted to do something different and wild. I wanted the stock colors and look. Thats why I bought it. I had all the places where there was a decal painted. He used house of color paint and mixed it to match.


very nice job. i am hoping to find someone that can match mine. not a whole lot of confidence at this point.
Color Rite has exact matches based on the paint codes. Just look up the make/model/year and they will give you the color codes used for that particular bike. You can order paint there and powder coat as well. I've ordered both the Deep Pearl Blue and the Metallic Sonic Silver for my '05 a few times. I can't see ANY difference between my touch up pen and the stock paint.

Whoever you use to do the job, point them there and you'll be glad you did.
1badasbusa, If you don't mind me asking... Where did you get it done and how much did it cost?

Its was a buddy of mine that paints and air brushes. He also did my truck with ghost flames. I didnt have cash to pay him so I helped him out by purchasing him some new equipment. That way I could just charge it. I got him a big stand up compresor. It all ended up around $1200. He said if he was to do it again since I had some body work to do and the all the decals, That he would probably charge around $1800. Mine was the first sport bike he had ever done. Air Precision Studio