Potential Craigslist Scam?

supprised they dont also include that winning lottery ticket from nigeria
scams are getting better and better. they have phony paypal links that ask for tracking numbers for merchandise you've sent bla bla bla..rather than get pissed, i play with them now..its soooo much fun..i went at it with this guy from AZ. i actually told him i rcvd the money, and was thanking him etc.. i told him i misplaced the tracking info but he wud get the merchandise shortly :rofl::rofl: several emails of how he'll contact the police and FBI, bla bla, i googled state police in AZ and provided him their address, phone number and even gave him a name (a phoney name of course),..i set an appointment for you too! :rofl::rofl::rofl: so they are expecting u.needless to say all the emails stopped then.:beerchug::beerchug:
I got a similar scam on EBAY a few weeks ago. I was looking for a GIXXER 1000 and I came across an 05 for only $3,000. I figured it was too good to be true but I still inquired anyway. Here is the response I got:

"Hello,Thank you for your interest in my 2005 Suzuki GSXR1000. I closed my auction early because someone offered me the buy it now price, but he didn't have the money.The bike is still available.Everything about this bike is perfect. Incredible power, handling and reliability If you are interested in it, the price is $ 3,000.I had to move with my family to the UK where I got a job transfer. The bike is here with me, but when I found out about the
high import duties and all the restrictions regarding emissions here I've decided to sell it. I want to sell it in US because is still registered there. It was made for the US market and has US specs. I have the pink in hand
and you will receive it along with the bike and all receipts for service. The transaction will be done through eBay for our own protection. The money will be sent to ebay to hold while you wait for
the bike. I am registered with their secure trader department and they will handle the trade.Your funds will be 100% insured by eBay until you will receive and inspect the bike. I will be protected by eBay as well.You will have 10 days from the time you receive the bike to inspect it and decide if you want to keep it or not. Only then
will eBay release the funds to me If you want to buy my bike then e-mail me:Full name for the title,Shipping address As soon as I have this information I'll start the official procedure, and eBay will notify you about this. You'll also
receive important guidelines + instructions from them (please go through them exactly).I'll handle the shipping, so this will be free of charge for you. Looking forward to hearing from you,"
Kevin Winslow

I contacted ebay and sent all his message to them and this is what EBAY told me:

Dear Cleo,

Thank you for writing to eBay in regard to the fake emails that you

Please know that this is a scam. eBay does not act as third party or
holds payments for buyers. Please allow me to explain this situation -
To buy a vehicle through eBay, you just need to bid or click on Buy It
Now on the vehicles listed on eBay. When you win the vehicle, the item
will appear in your My eBay "Won" section and then you can proceed with
the transaction. You do not have to provide any details to seller before
actually winning a vehicle on eBay. The way seller stated in this email
is not the correct way vehicles are purchased on eBay.

If you are ever concerned about an email you receive from eBay, simply
follow these steps:

1. Open a new Web browser and type eBay - New & used electronics, cars, apparel, collectibles, sporting goods & more at low prices into your browser
address field to go directly to the eBay site.

2. On eBay, sign into your account and click the "My eBay" button at the
top of the page.

3. Check the My Messages section located at the top of the My eBay page.

If you receive an email about your account that appears to be from eBay,
check My Messages in My eBay. If the same email is not in My Messages,
it's fake. Do not respond to the sender.

Any item you wish to purchase, please make sure that you show as the
winning bidder on the closed auction page and the item shows in your
items won section in My eBay. We strongly advise you not to respond to
the email that you received recently offering to sell you an item
outside of eBay. It's not safe. The chances are high that this is an
attempt to defraud you.

There are a few signs to help you determine if a sale is legitimate. For
example, eBay does not contact you to arrange payment for an item. When
you win an item, we merely send you an email telling you that you've won
the auction and need to get in touch with the seller to finalize your
purchase. If you receive an email claiming to be from eBay that directs
you to pay the seller via Western Union or MoneyGram, we strongly
recommend that you not follow through with the transaction.

Other signs of a fraudulent email include statements that eBay inspected
the vehicle or that eBay will hold the payment. eBay does not inspect
items, hold payment for buyers, or have warehouses where items are

At the very least, if you buy the item outside of eBay, you won't be
covered by the Vehicle Purchase Protection Program, and you won't be
able to leave Feedback if anything goes wrong.

Please be advised that eBay never enters into the transaction between
buyer and seller, we do not act as an intermediary in any way. We do
not act as an agent for payments, ship vehicles, or hold vehicles in a
?warehouse? and process a transaction through Vehicle Purchase
Protection Program. If the offer you received suggests any of these it
is a fake.

eBay takes fraudulent use of the eBay site very seriously. Please help
us by forwarding the email, including headers, to our Trust & Safety
team. To do that, go to:

Offers to Buy or Sell Outside of eBay

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Contact eBay to report
an outside of eBay email offer from a seller" link.

If you've already sent payment, we advise you to take steps immediately
to protect yourself.

If you paid by personal check, you may want to call your bank and stop
payment. If you paid by credit card, contact your credit card company.
Most companies provide consumer protection in these circumstances. If
you paid by money order or wire transfer, contact Western Union at
1-800-325-6000 or MoneyGram at 1-800-926-9400.

To learn more about the Vehicle Purchase Protection on eBay Motors, go

eBay Help : Transaction Problems : Protection for Buyers : Vehicle Purchase Protection on eBay Motors

It is my pleasure to assist you. Thank you for choosing eBay Motors.

Robby J.

eBay Motors Customer Support

I just wanted to share this with my fellow riders just in case you guys come across similar scams. I appreciate EBAY for getting back to me so quickly. It's good to know that EBAY has nothing to do with the actual sell of the merchandise. EBAY recommends the buyer and seller go through an ESCROW service that will hold the money until you inspect the item and decide if you want to keep it or not. If any of you plan on buying from over seas or far away, go through an escrow service first so you can inspect the product after it's shipped and then make a decision. You will have to pay the cost to ship it back but at least you won't be out of too much money.
I went through the same stupid scam last year. It went pretty much the same way. I told "her" basically this was a scam.
i think i looked at this same setup a few weeks back. Check it out:
<pasted from my emails>
hello and thank you for your e-mail.
This is the second time when i am trying to sell my bike. First time i tried ebay,cause i am using their services since 2003.because all the time i use only 100% safe methods i sent the bike through ebay vehicle protection program to a buyer from alaska.i paid all the shipping fees from my own pocket and when ebay have requested the payment the buyer have refused to pay because his loan had been rejected.i don't know what else i can say now... I am really upset with the situation.i don't have time to waste with another auction or anything else. We can have this done via ebay,cause the bike is still in their custody.
2000 suzuki gsx-r in excellent working condition, no scratches, flaws or any kind of damage, slightly used in 100% working and looking conditions with a clear title ready to be signed and notarized.
13,600 miles,750 cc,sport bike,
ebay will keep us safe and i will not be worried, and i guess that you won't be worried either.
The price ($2.600.00) includes all the taxes and fees, therefore you don't have to worry about anything of this matter. The delivery will be completed in max 2-3 days.
Should you find that the bike is not as i've described it, you can return it to me on my expense. No questions asked.
Let me know if you are still interested.
Thank you!

<after a couple quick questions from me>

the bike is already at the shipping company in san jose,ca ,sealed and ready for the shipping. I have a contract with ebay so this deal must go through them.i'm very busy with my job and i'm left out of the town so i can't meet in person with you,this is the reason why i chose to sell my bike over the internet. According with the ebay you have 5 days from the time you receive the bike to inspect it and decide if you want to keep it or not.
Here is how it will work:
1.first of all i will need the following details from you:
- full name
- full shipping address
2. After i will receive the details from you, i will forward them to ebay.
3. After they will process your info, they will send us both invoices. The invoice will show you the details on how to make a refundable payment.
4. Ebay will contact me and i will ship the bike to you. After you receive the bike you will have 5 days to test, verify and do whatever you need to the bike. If you will buy, then i will receive the payment details from ebay so that i can pick up the money.
5. If you will decide that you will not buy the bike, ebay will refund the money and i will have the shipping company come pick up my bike.please get back to me asap if you decide to buy, and include in your e-mail your full name and address where you want it shipped so i can start the deal with ebay. You will receive all the transaction payment and shipping details from them.
Best regards,
irwin l.

Wow it's in Cali now? Last time I saw the CL add it was in Oregon. They stopped responding to me when I said I wanted to see it in person, and I'll pay cash for the title in hand.

Nice catch that is messed up you should have told her you where going to FL and I'msure the shipping company wouldn't mind opening the bike for inspection. People suck.
this sucks....I have a fellow co-worker who got scammed out of $3500 (i think) for a 05 Busa.....on Craigslist. Same type deal...... I remember when he was looking at the listing but I kinda forgot about it since I never saw him riding it or talking about it anymore. This was about 9 months ago.....he just finally told me about the scam 3 weeks ago.

Thanks for posting here to make folks on the oRg aware of this 5h1t. I hit upon a couple of these scam artists when looking for a bike last fall. If the hair is tingling on the back of your neck, step away.
Hey guys good to see you are sharing all these scams.

My company iSOLD It is also being used for these scams in place of eBay. Since we have 75 stores nationwide they use craigslist and eBay via email to convince people that they dropped off their item at one of our stores and they can be sure that the most trusted seller on eBay iSOLD It with retail stores will deliver their item.

Use this link to see the scams (they steal our graphics and everything) then read all the comments of people who were scammed or avoided the scam because they read my scam blog before sending money to these aholes.

There are a lot more people who fall for these scams then you would imagine - its really sad when they call me and say were is my $3,500 camper or motorcycle I paid for. I have to break the bad news to them and it sucks


Scams on Craigslist | iSold It on eBay
You know what! If you check craigslist they have a section with all the scammers letters. things that they say and everything. Everytime I put something on craigslist to sell I always get an email saying that they really want to buy my item and if I could send them all my info so they would know who to make out the money order to or certified check. On craigslist they say that the money order or check will go through meaning you can cash it but in about three to four days when the bank finds out that it's bogus. you stuck paying everything. Meaning they ggot your stuff for free. So now If I want to sell something on craigslist you have to be able to pick it up.
I got the same response from the same person on a different bike 2007 gsxr1000 word for word.
she would not call me back but she would return emails.so I sent an email letting her know I had cash in hand & would pick up the bike now give an adress.where she replied the bike is in virginia crated up & ready to ship as soon as she recieved payment.mind you this is listed craigslist in CA.(inland empire)so I replied with due to you being full of s**t I have to decline...thanks

Screw 'em.:thumbsup:
When you see a add that sounds too good to be true, and they do not seem to have very good English, that is when you know its no good.
HAHAHA... I just was looking at a 03 R1 on ebay motors auctions a couple weeks ago that was like 3600. I contacted the seller to ask what was wrong with the bike as it was so cheap, and he said "What listing? I dont have anything listed" SCAMMERS! I had my e-bay acct hacked a few years back it was a MESS. several hundred dollars in listing fees. Though ebay fixed it all and made it right!