Powell Endorses Obama - Implications

Reuters/C-Span/Zogby for 10/20:

Obama - 273
McCain - 163

Obama - 50% (Up from 48%)
McCain - 44% (Down from 45%)

If you do the math you'll find that 6 is actually "between 5 and 12."

Why do independent polls only "over sample" the Democrats when the Republicans are behind?

Newspaper readership may be declining, but to suggest that they don't still hold the attention of millions of people is a fallacy. Circulation numbers may be trending downward but the print media still reaches and influences a countless number of people every day.

thats my point, its all within the margin for error...the oversampling is matter of politlical leanings by the polsters, most polls sited are conducted by left leaning institutions who have a stake in the outcome and mysteriously the only ones quoted by the mainstream media...its close and anyone could win thats for sure, i think we all know the nation is divided right down the middle anyway so to me these polls represent an effort on the part of the left to discourge conservatives to vote because, according to the media its over and Obama has it locked up...ya know, its funny to, ACORN is connected to Obama and Ayers and all of the faulty voter registration in all of the swing states at this time, and the Dems?, well they pushed for early voting long ago......odd isent it?
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Let me see a 700 billion dallor war you did not have the money to fight and had to borrow for it. Housing market cause the financial crisis in US. I think Powell knows bull when he smells it!

While I am probably still going to vote for McCain, I think if Obama does win having Colin Powell assisting him in foriegn matters would be a huge plus for all of us.

And I still hold to the fact that I would have a difficult time in believing Colin Powell would be motivated by race.

While I can’t say there ISN’T any racism in our military. In my experience if it does exists it is in the real junior ranks (normally and at this time in our history. racism is fortunately fading quickly in our armed forces).

People, trust me, when you get to the level of General you have far more important things to be concenred with than what the skin color of someone is.

Colin Powell is a well respected leader across party lines and across racial lines, you dont get that respect from being racists or being a person who would endorse someone because of their race.

And like Marcus stated, if Colin Powell was drvien by a desire for power or financial gain he could have ran for president years ago, and probably would have won. You dont hear much about Mr. Powell. that is not the profile of someone who is looking for power. It doesnt fit his profile or his history

makes me say HUMMMM....

I personally vote Republican for abortion and gay marriage reasons. Does this mean Powell is for both?
makes me say HUMMMM....

I personally vote Republican for abortion and gay marriage reasons. Does this mean Powell is for both?

Are those the only 2 reasons you vote republican?

That is VERY UN-American of you. American is founded on the principal that individuals are free to do whatever they want without interference from the government as long at it does not infringe on another individuals rights. So to back positions that limit an individual's right when you are in no way affected is un-American.

That said I am not infavor of abortion, in any way, but I don't think it should be the role of the government to pass legislation limiting a person's right to the medical treatment they receive.