Power Commander owners READ THIS!!

Post update........I bought Bob's second power commander 2 and now i dont have to wait another week or so.Spoke with mike belcher at dynojet, and he was a real helpful guy too. He was willing to do an all out test on the dyno with my bike and Bob's(read that Mine) power commander but since it worked in mine didnt need to do that. Mike invited me back in the future to dyno my bike anyway and that was real nice of him since they normally dont do these types of things but if anyone has a problem and dynojet needs a bike to test your stuff..................i'm your man. Oh by the way you can download all of the software off of dynojets web site including the speaking tutorial just in case you need it..................so..........im riding tonite and tomorrow and..........................
Went for another ride tonite.Went exactly 70 miles both in town and on the road. THe bike rode perfect. I jumped on it a few times and man this bike kicks ass. I want to thank Bob again for taking good care of me and selling me his second power commander, he is really a great guy...........Im off tomorrow for another ride. It gets more fun every day............
Could you guys email me your maps? I have a PC on the way and want want to get a jump on checking out map mods before it gets here later this week. (Want to modify my maps for yoshi duplex instead of micron). Anyone have any maps they've done already for the Yosh pipe with the PC?
Spent some time with the PC2 again today. I spoke with head engineer at DynoJet. He gave me some things to try and we will try to narrow down the problem.
I don't want to say much more until we trace it. He is being helpful and it will take a little while to sort this out and receive another modified PC2. If you don't have a problem don't worry about this.
Let you know how it turns out.
Bob, did you try the PCII you sent to vegas?

Do you think these problems possibly lie with fuel pressure aka "cut out/stumble". Has your dealer checked fuel pressure or fuel pump volume in a 30 second flow test as per manual?
Kawabuser--Yes tried the PC2 i sent to vegas, 250+ miles. Same problem down low off idle to 3000 rpm. Since then received my first one back, which checked out OK after breakdown disassembly/reassembly. Same problem again.
Yes, i thought about the cut-out and still have not completely ruled it out. But, when i remove the PC2 and run the stock ECM problems gone.
When I reconnect the Yosh problem gone.
I even tried plugging all zeros in every table of the power commander to simulate the stock settings, problems still there.??
This guy i spoke with today had a couple of ideas, but i will probably have to try a special PC2 to isolate the problem. I will check my pump strainers later this week when i return from a short trip.
Well I went for a long ride on sunday. ALSO i had to have a buddy set up my power commander cause he says it wasnt pulling as hard as his, so he rode and set it up. I rode in hot 103 degree traffic for about 10 miles. It was stop and go. THe bike ran great, in fact he said mine was so smooth on the bottom end that he spent some time re-adjusting his as well. Bottom line the bike never stumbled, ran real strong all the way to red line. Now if I could on get 50 miles to the gallon.............well you cant have everything I guess. Does anyone know how long it takes these bikes to break in?
cbxcris, were did you end up with settings for your Yosh RS-3, yosh box settings?

Have you run the Yosh pipe with a PCII yet, and what are your settings with that box? DynoJet map or altered map?
I`m running +5 +5 +5 on the bike with the yosh pipe...my box is not completely modified...I have only drilled out the indentions inside the filter area...runs great..have also richened the idle circuits around 7-8%....Micron piped bike had bad commander to start with and now have new commander which does seem better...am now waiting on new head pipes from micron which should be here any day...I had some of the bad fitting ones from second bunch they got in...same ones as Bob. Dyno-jet sent second commander with 001 map and I have not had time to play with it yet..will probably just load 003 map and start from there...at least it will crank this time...let you know how it works out...I have not tried the commander on the bike with the yosh pipe and I almost forgot I have removed all the packing from inside the yosh can and to me it sounds and runs better...
@RedBull ….you are being beckoned.....

I see Unklpunk is taking over the fishing hole....
