Prayer request for a lost soul

My prayers are sent to you and your friend, May he be in peace!

Thanks Brothers.

I havent cried much today, another death brings back all the other deaths I just went through.

Your kind words do mean a lot to me. It's hard being a big tough guy all the time.

Much harder when everyone you care about dies rapid fire.

Damn straight this stuff is hard to type.

I am soo sorry!  I just hope and pray that he knew Christ as his savior at some point in his life. We are blessed that God doesn't require a certain # of prayers ea. day, that we give a certain amt. of $, give the gospel to a set # of people, or even be sin free TO GET TO HEAVEN! And doing more good than bad in your life won't cut it. To God 1 sin is as bad as 10 sins. No sin can enter heaven, it has to be washed away.

All it takes is 1 time in your life to admit that you are a sinner, and believe in your heart and except his FREE gift of payment for your sin, by dieing on the cross for you. By simply praying to God from your heart and asking forgiveness you can KNOW that your going to heaven and noone not even yourself can take it away.

My friend he could have said a prayer to be saved when he was 7 yrs. old. That's all it would have took.

I hope I've gave you some hope.

Are you okay, Ken?
VERY well said brother!!!

I'm sorry for your loss Ken, prayers sent for you, your friend, and for all involved.
Sorry to hear it bro. I know exactly how you feel. Just a couple of years ago one of my best friends made the same decision and ate the barrel of a .357. I had moved here to the Northwest just 6 months prior.

I still carry a lot of weight around for his death. I had gotten a call from him just a few days prior and was just "too busy" to answer that call. Might have made a difference... I miss him, he was one of those guys that you wanted on your team cause he always, no matter what, had your back.

I haven't really made a new friend yet, well maybe one recently but it's been a long few years.

So I feel for you man. Just remember, if someone chooses to go, there is nothing anyone can do. If they are determined, eventually they will succeed.
That is sad to hear, i'm sorry to that, prayers to you and you lost friend.
Dear Ken

I'm very sorry for your loss.

Bless your heart, man!

Grieving takes time and therefore requires patience. I wish you well as you tread these waters.

Alan and yourself will be in my prayers. Please remember, when there is faith, there is hope.
Take Care,
I have been asked to compile some fond memories of my life with Al, I have it done but would like some unbiased opinions on what I have written. I have to stand in front of the family, and read it, because i have had 100% more to do with him than his extended family did. I accepted because I saw a lot in Al that many people never did.

Does anyone want to see what I have written, maybe give me some feedback?
I have been asked to compile some fond memories of my life with Al, I have it done but would like some unbiased opinions on what I have written. I have to stand in front of the family, and read it, because i have had 100% more to do with him than his extended family did. I accepted because I saw a lot in Al that many people never did.

Does anyone want to see what I have written, maybe give me some feedback?
I'm in, post it up or PM it.

I have been asked to compile some fond memories of my life with Al, I have it done but would like some unbiased opinions on what I have written. I have to stand in front of the family, and read it, because i have had 100% more to do with him than his extended family did. I accepted because I saw a lot in Al that many people never did.

Does anyone want to see what I have written, maybe give me some feedback?
sorry i just got back on org. if not to late you can pm me